Logbook entry

Entry #011 - Nightmares and new friends

16 Apr 2017Zinnsei
Commander's log, 16 APR, 3303

I woke up screaming last night. I saw Napoleon through the viewport of the escape pod, as he saluted me, but as the pod shot away from the wreckage, he caught fire. He burned so fiercely and I could almost hear him scream my name. I turned away in horror, but as I turned my back I found myself standing face to face with him, still burning but now he wasn't screaming, he was just standing there, staring at me with his sizzling skin inches from my face. There, inside the pod. Then he spoke three words, and his voice was filled with more hate than I've ever heard before.

"You left me"

I tumbled out of bed, drenched in sweat and tears, barely able to breathe. I swear I could still feel the heat rolling off him in waves and I can still see his piercing eyes, staring into mine, when I close my eyes. Even now.

I spent the rest of my sleepless night by the window, looking out over Colonia Hub, smoking cigarettes (a habit I'd given up long ago) and shuddering in my robe.

The decision is made; we're going back to The Core. If nothing else then just to pay our respects to the souls we lost. If we don't, I fear I will never be able to get a decent night's rest again. I think this will be the final departure from Colonia. We will return to Sag A and then turn the ship homewards. We will drop by The Great Annihilator on the way and marvel at the glory of the twin black holes along with the other beautiful vistas out here. Napoleon wouldn't approve of his death ruining our trek. He was always the stout explorer and we will do him honor in thinking of him whenever we face greatness.

On a side note, I was contacted today by an emmisary of the Ghost Legion. Apparently they've taken notice of me and want me to join their ranks. I am deeply honored to be found worthy by such a renowned guild of Commanders.

This will be my last night in Colonia. Tomorrow we depart for The Core. Last night, while sitting by the window, I rummaged through some of my old logs. My first entry brought a smile to my face, as it mentions Napoleons desire to see the core. There is poetic beauty in his final resting place being that very spot, which he in fact was dying to see. Fate, it would seem, is not entirely without mercy.

CMDR Zinnsei, out
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