Logbook entry

Entry #012 - Seeing ghosts

18 Apr 2017Zinnsei
Commander's log, 18 APR, 3303

We're a little more than half way to Sag A, or Saga, as some call it. We've set down on a beautiful planet, bathed in the hot glow of a red giant. With only 4.800 LY left, there seems to be an end to this part of the journey in sight.

I am concerned though.

These past two days there have been some pretty strange occurrences aboard. I feel like I'm back aboard the Zenith again, but it's that sort of fleeting sensation that evaporates when you try to grasp it. It's the little things, like finding objects where I don't remember leaving them, and flashes of paint, a different color. I should specify that the Zemt Quinta Essentia is a deep blue, outside as well as in her corridors, but I swear I sometimes see a flash of yellow paint out of the corner of my eye, when pacing the halls or even doing my logs.

There have been other things as well. None of the cartographics survived the destruction of the Zenith but today I found that the galaxy map contained info on the star systems, we visited on our last trip to the Core. Data that was lost with the ship. Data that have no natural reason for being in the nav computer of this ship. We've followed the same route in as last time. The same stars, the same planets scanned. It's almost as if something wants me to relieve the last voyage of the Zenith. I know I sound mad, and this next event, out of lack for a better word, doesn't help my case. As suddenly as it had appeared, the path of visited stars vanished. Just as I was about to show it to my new XO. Luckily I was able to spin the story as to not make him worry too much, but deep inside I can't help but wonder what the hell is going on. Either there is more to this than meets the eye, or I'm beginning to show signs of the dreaded Space Madness. I do not know which is worse.

I hope a good night's rest will help, but somehow I doubt it. I may have only seen the tip of the ice berg.

CMDR Zinnsei, out.
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