Logbook entry

Entry #014 - Homewards

23 Apr 2017Zinnsei
Commander's log, 23 APR 3303


After having seen to the memorial services for Napoleon and the ill fated crew, I ordered the course laid in for "The Great Annihilator", a couple of black holes orbiting each other, about 2000 ly out from the core. We're homeward bound now. The surviving crew of the Zenith is tired and shaken. So am I. As we departed the system of Sag A. I was watching the Supermassive Black Hole shrink into the distance. What an awesome sight, how it warps space around it for almost 1000 ls. Simply amazing. Now, sitting in my quarters, having my evening meal and tea, I find myself worried.

There have been more... disturbances. More things out of place and worse still, I may have started seeing ghosts. On our trip back to the core I shiver to admit that I encountered several crew members of the Zenith - crew that didn't make it back to Colonia. In all instances I was preoccupied or my mind was on something else and only after having passed them in the hallways, I noticed the anachronistic nature of the encounters. Of course, turning to look for the ghostly crew members, I found nothing. I am now certain that I have been touched by space madness. I wonder for how long I can continue performing my duties before they have to relieve me of duty. To think of that: Relieved of duty on my own ship! I will fight this all the way home and hopefully nothing more serious will happen to me.

The worst thing to happen so far, was last night. We were about 30 jumps from Sag A. and had settled in for the night on a small moon. All was quiet, except for the deep hum of the ship's systems, deep in the walls. I woke in complete darkness, having opaqued the spacious windows to shield me from the glaring sun outside. Something was standing by my bed. It looked like a silhouette of a man. Needless to say, I was shocked, and I quickly turned on my bedside light and grabbed for my sidearm.

It was ensign Jenkins from engineering. One of the crewmen that didn't make it back alive. He just stood there, looking at me with this sad smile on his face. Then he spoke, except it was like the volume was turned all the way down on a holo. His lips moved, but there was no sound. Still that sad smile. Then I felt, more than heard a loud ringing in my ears and I had to close my eyes to withstand the pain. When the pain and ringing subsided, Jenkins was gone. I slept uneasily for the rest of the night.

Still; as long as this is as bad as it gets, I can manage the rest of the trip home. It must be my guilt, weighing down on me combined with the void playing tricks on my mind.

We've landed on a planet with higher than average gravity. It did a number on the landing gear, as we touched down. I have to remember to fully charge the shields before landing on the next one. So far we're about 200 ly out from the core, on our way back home. I hope for no more nightly visits.

CMDR Zinnsei, signing off.
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