Logbook entry

Entry #16 - Closing in

10 Jul 2017Zinnsei
Commander's log, July 10'th 3303

We're twelve weeks out from Sag A*. Three months since we said our goodbyes to Napoleon and the rest of the ill fated crew. Today I realised that we are a mere 700 LY from the Eagle Nebula and I decided to make a course correction. Instead of heading straight for The Bubble, we've set our sights on Eagle's Landing and a small respite from the vastness of space. It won't be for more than a day or two at the most. Most of us want to get back home and those who don't, have already booked passage on other vessels out of Achenar via needlecast.

I look forward to getting to stretch my legs and see some new faces - as well as a resupply of commodities.

CMDR Zinnsei, out.
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