Logbook entry

Entry #72 Distant Worlds - and an opportunity

14 Jan 2019Zinnsei
Commander's Log, 14 JAN 3305

We have set off towards the Omega Nebula. I am no longer on the Bosworth but on the science vessel Audient Void, a part of the Distant Worlds Second Expedition. I was given new orders late last week, after having spent the holidays in Cubeo, to report to Jameson Memorial for a new assignment. I am to command the vessel, a Faulcon DeLacy, Anaconda Class on a 5-month journey to the Core where the crew complement of 200 scientists and engineers of both Imperial and Federal allegiance will be constructing a new science station near Sag A*. After this is done the engineers will be departing the vessel for the Bubble and I am to transport the scientists to Beagle Point from where we will begin our homeward journey, all along the way seeking out new sights and discoveries.

I am very happy to be given this opportunity. Long have I been weary of war and combat and this gives me a much-needed pause from all the fighting and it rekindles the explorer's dream within me. I am looking forward to the challenge.

Another fine thing is the fact that I have been given free choice of my first officer and naturally, I chose Leonard who didn't have to think about it for a second. Having both spent the holidays on Achenar, we have caught up rather well and we're both looking forward to this journey of discovery and endurance.

One thing vexes me though. I have not been to the core since the Zenith and I fear what a return will do to my mental health. It took me months and months to get well again and I still take regular injections for the blinding headaches, but mayhap it is an opportunity to give closure to the matter. I will pay my respects to Napoleon while we're there and be done with this affair.

The course is laid in, the fleet is on the move and the journey continues jump by jump.

Cmdr Zinnsei, signing off.
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