Logbook entry

The Janus Protocol

07 Jul 2019Zinnsei
// Out of character //

So I thought I would gather up the loose threads of this little bunch of logs, turned saga-ish.

In the beginning, around two years ago I decided to add a little extra something to my ongoing RP'ing in ELITE - which is painfully obvious by the short logs - so I decided to start jotting down these small logs about what my in-game character experienced, but along the way the action just seemed to blend into this huge "epic" revolving around the adventures of Commander Zinnsei - and the logs became substantially longer and more fleshed out as a result - so now, motivated by Cmdr. Andrew Linton, who's logs I follow with great interest, I've decided to create a base point for this entire thing. This way I hope potential readers can find out what is heads and tails in this crazy business - Randomius knows, even I don't know where this thing's gonna end up, but I'm thrilled to find out along with you guys!

Hope you'll enjoy - It's a beast, I know(!), so for those of you who'll pass, I'm sorry for wasting your time and thanks for stopping by.

Input is always welcome via PM.

So without further ado, I give you The Janus Protocol. Happy reading!



Chapter One:
The beginning
Log 1
Log 2
Log 3
Log 4
Log 5
Log 6
Log 7
Log 8
Log 9

Chapter Two:
Mysteries in the Void
Log 10
Log 11
Log 12
Log 13
Log 14
Log 15
Log 16
Log 17
Log 18

Chapter Three:
Mists of Morpheus
Log 19
Log 20
Log 21

Chapter Four:
The Janus Protocol
Log 22
Log 23
Log 24
Log 25
Log 26
Log 27
Log 28
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︎3 Shiny!
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