Logbook entry

Autumn Promises

19 Sep 2020Zinnsei
Brewer Corporation, Drake Class Carrier Pillar of Autumn, J5T-77G, System: [Redacted], Date: 18 sep 3306.

*** Compilation Commencing

*** Downloading farewells

*** Transcribing Voice data

*** Spinning up data transfer protocols

*** Needle Casting, transfer commencing

[*** Excerpt of crew communications to follow ***]

From: Jenkins, J. - Private First Class, Brewer Security
To: Audrey Jenkins - Chargaff Reach, Sol System

Hey Mom,

So we're finally on last call here. The Autumn is about four days from departure and things are heating up. Everyone aboard are starting to feel it. So far we're about 80% stocked with provisions and gear. The guys in Security tell me that our barracks are fully loaded already and that - as far as FlightSec goes - we're ready to depart.

***Indistinct noise***

I'm looking at the picture you guys sent me before I left Mars High. I can't believe how far away we are from each other right now - and I'm only about 10 jumps out. This picture... It makes me smile every time I look at it and I promise, I'll keep it with me at all times out there. Tell Janie that...

***Indistinct noise***

Tell Janie that I am sorry. I know she never wanted me to leave and... And I know you guys aren't happy about it either, what with everything going on a the moment, but I've trained so hard for this - and it's not like I'm going away forever. I'll be back in about a year or so, depending on protocols. The rest of FlightSec and I are on contract with Brewer to stay aboard as long as the Commander needs us to. And the pay is good. The pay is so we don't have to be more than a few lightyears apart ever again.

Oh, mom. We're going to see so many exciting things. We're going to travel to the most remote corners of the galaxy and I'm gonna bring back souvenirs from every place we visit. I promise!

They tell us that we have to record these farewells and send them in soon. Apparently they need to have them three days before departure. I'm guessing it's a security protocol kinda thing - need to check them all for sensitive information. Don't worry, the crew knows these things. We're all to well trained to screw up like that. We're all pro's here, mom. Even your little boy.

***Indistinct noise***

Aww look at this. You've got me all misty here, Mom. Just... just tell Dad and Janie that they don't have to worry. I'll be back before you know it and then I'll have enough credits to take up a regular job somewhere closer to Sol. Maybe Linda and I could... I don't know. She might have moved on by then, but here's hoping. If you see her, would you tell her....

Tell her that I'm sorry.

I love you, Mom.

Take care.

*** Message ends***

From: Lawson, P. - Flight Lieutenant, Brewer Flight Operations
To: Miranda Lawson - Edwards Stop, Antai System

Hi Miranda,

Paul here. So we're only a few days from shipping out and I wanted to say goodbye in case there is no other opportunity coming. I know our last conversation ended on a wrong note. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. I hope you can forgive me, but that seems to have been the crux of our relationship from day one. I know the papers are filed, and I know the risk to us and the carrier is very slim, but it's a long journey and we're heading into regions unknown. Probably nothing will happen, but if there's anything my career has taught me, it's that nothing is certain. Can we... can we just forget about the past for a moment and pretend?

It's gonna be a long year out there, knowing you're still angry with me, so I hope can forgive me and that we can have one final chat before we ship out. I promise you that I'll be a better man and maybe this year will be good for us. For me. I know I was always the issue and I promise you that if you can give me another chance, I'll prove to you that I can change. I don't expect you to agree, but... I hope you will. For us. For our daughter.

Tell the munchkin that I love her and that I can't wait to see her again. Please. Let's be friends for this final bit.


***Message ends***

From: Mills, V. - Deck Officer, Brewer Flight Operations
To: Carol Simpson - Belyayev Landing, Melcior System

Hey sis,

Last chance to send you a delay-free message. I expect us to be very busy for the first few weeks of operations so I probably won't be very much in contact until we've made sure this baby is behaving. Don't worry though. We've done 5 shakedown jumps within the Bubble already and everything is looking good. Better than good, actually. The crew is very well trained, especially the bridge crew - har har - but seriously though, I'm not worried. This is what I signed up for. This is the reason I went through all those years of flight school and officer's training. I finally have my own boat, C. My very own carrier!

Yeah, I can already hear you arguing that it's actually the Commander's carrier but does he know how to fly this baby? Does he command a crew of more than 2.000? Well. I guess he sort of does - but he's not in direct command, and seriously Carol. This is so awesome. I get to fly this beauty for more than a year and we get to go so far away, see so many things. DO so many things. I honestly can't wait!

I met the Commander a few times, by the way. Let me tell ya, he's cute! He has been staying onboard for the most part but obviously he has other business to attend to before we get under way. We've made arrangements for his fleet to be docked and so far we're almost there. Just a few ships left before we're secured. I especially look forward to when he brings the Mamba onboard. Damn, that's a fine speeder and I can't wait to make a thorough inspection once we get it in the hangar.

I'm telling you, C., the level of activity on this boat is amazing. It really is a city. We've got bridge crew, armoury crew, UniCart has their own damn section of the carrier, off limits to everyone but themselves and security. Think about that - and I'm the commanding officer of the entire crew! I don't even think the Commander is allowed beyond the reception area.
We've got traders, shopkeepers, doctors, family members with each their own jobs - all working in tandem to keep this baby running. Once we get out there everyone will have to pull their weight.
We've got shuttle services, passengers, dealers in rare goods. I bet this will feel like home in just a matter of months.
And just take a look at the curves of this baby! She's more than three kilometers long and just about a kilometer wide. She's armed like you wouldn't believe and the drives... don't get me started! This is what I signed up for. This is what I've been chasing for so many years.

Still. I will miss you enormously. I'm so glad that Richard got assigned here as well. I don't think I would have been able to go a year without my hubby, but we all have to leave someone behind. That means you, sis. Take care of everyone - and don't nag John too much. You know he loves you and he IS going to get down on one knee someday. He just needs his time.

I promise you that when we get some time for R&R - hopefully near Colonia - I'll get a needlecast through to you. You and John had some time off coming, right? It would be great to see you then. I can take you for a full tour of the Autumn even though it might take a few weeks.


Seriously, C. I promise I'll keep in touch and when we get time for shore leave, I'll let you know in advance. What's the going rate for travel time to Colonia these days? 62 hours? Shouldn't be a problem.

I love you. Stay safe and be good.

Vivian Mills, Deck Officer
Signing off.

***Message ends***

From: Steele, S. - Chief Armourer, Brewer Corporation
To: Joseph Steele - Waldrop Beacon, Facece System

Dearest Joseph and Navi,

I miss you guys already. I'm so sorry that you didn't get to serve aboard Autumn, my love. I thought I had pulled the right strings but... I don't know what went wrong. At least you're together and Navi won't have to leave her friends at school - and I won't be away for that long after all. It's just a year or so and you will have plenty of things to do while I'm away.

Joseph. My love. I will stay in touch every day and if we can't speak directly, I will text you. Please be safe and stay out of trouble. With all these terrorist attacks about these days I'm afraid they'll call in more personel and with you being in the auxiliary... I can't even think about it. I wish it could have been different. I love you so much. Take care!

Navi, baby. I'm sorry that I have to go away for so long. It's not what I wanted but Mommy has to do some things for the place she works. When I come back, I won't ever have to go away for so long again. I promise you. Take care of Dad for me and make sure he behaves.

***Indistinct noise***

Look at me, baby. I'm crying. I'm not as strong as you, baby girl. Remember that. You're so much stronger than you think and you can do anything you put your mind to. I'm sure you'll have mastered the Cello when I get back, just promise me that you will keep practicing.

I'll call every day, honey. And even if we're too far away for me to call you, I'll make sure to write you. Every single day.

I love you guys so, so much and I can't wait to be back with you again. Just a year. Just one year and it'll be over - and I promise you, Navi, baby. I will be home for your 11'th birthday.

Be safe, you guys.

Joseph - I love you.

Navi - I'll see you when you're eleven. I love you so much.

Goodbye and ***Indistinct noise***... I love you.

***Message Ends***

***Transfer Complete
***Data transfer protocols terminating
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