Logbook entry

10 days in.....What did i get my self into.

06 Mar 2017CB9 Roseyard
Acihaut/Cuffery Plant
I joined 2/26/03.
What the hell did i sign up for. Why did they not give us more training. its been 10 days...10 DAYS and i have seen more then those old guys on my street ever dreamed of. Man all they talked about was Nirvana and how great it was and how the farms were doing and the weather, blah blah blah, get up here in space and come out of jump into a unknown system and you got a White DZ dwarf with those massive arms shooting out of them, that shit seems so distant and far now. The first DZ Dwarf almost killed me. i still don't know how i survived, something i think about daily. Every time I jump..........Will i even notice. i imagine dying being like jumping from one system to the next, just a worm hole to the other-side......................................Those howls, Sweet baby Terra, what are those howls, is it a thargoid or maybe its why we haven't seen any for a long time maybe it was enough to scare the thargoid, I hope.
Made cadet today in the FED NAVY that was something.
Here's to the Next jump
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︎2 Shiny!
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