Logbook entry


09 Feb 2018Sereth Dakre
Commander: Sereth Dakre
Ship: Federal Corvette
Ship ID: SD-30
Date: 9 FEB 3304
Time: 15:44:48

Looks like my ship has been drafted

Im currently on board an imperial battle cruiser, in there infirmary. I was scooping fuel off the star in LP 887-68 when I was interdicted and attacked by a member of the LP 887-68 NATURAL PARTNERS. I was not ready for a fight at all. Suffice it to say… I got my rear end handed to me. An imperial medical unit found me adrift. They saved me and towed my ship to there battle cruiser for repairs.

That’s what Nayeli told me. She is my new crew member.

My prior crew member Asada Bass, ended our contract because she had family on Obsidian Orbital when it was hit. Unfortunately… she did not make it. The last I heard from her… she had gotten a ride on an imperial cutter named Orion's Hope, and was delivering aid supplies to the station. She had made it to Maia. I stopped at Maia a couple days after that. When I was half way to Obsidian, I came across a signal source on the same frequency she was using to contact me… when I dropped in, I saw a wrecked fighter and a body… along with a basilisk class thargoid ship. I had just enough time to scoop up the wreckage and the body, when the thargoid turned hostile and I had to jump out of there. After I knew I was safe… I went down to my cargo hold and saw her. Asada was dead. I hooked the fighter up to the main computer of my ship. She died defending the Orion's Hope. From what I could gather… the main ships telepresence link was damaged. So she got into the fighter herself. She provided a distraction so that way the Orion's Hope could jump out. I took her body to Obsidian to deliver it to her family. And that is how I met Nayeli. She is… well… was Asada's sister. I went ahead and hired her on as a member of my crew.

From what Nayeli told me… I had slipped into a coma for a week. And currently the battle cruiser is in the middle of a massive engagement. And since im unable to fight… she is using my ship.

So here I lay, plugged into medical equipment… useless, while Nayeli fights for my safety... According to Admiral Valsha… The commanding officer on board the battle cruiser… Nayeli is a fierce fighter, with elite level skills. He is impressed... I've since put out a distress call to my faction… The Children Of The Sun.

Im hoping someone comes soon. There is not a station in the system that she can go to for repairs and re-armament. And according to the ships doctors… I cant be moved yet.
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