Cmdr N.R.Crosby
Trader / Diplomat
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Python X-6CZR
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Winters Wolves

Logbook entry

Some things change and some things never do.

24 Jul 2017N.R.Crosby
I am sitting here at the Cherokee Cantina on Yurchikhin Ring, sipping one of my favorite beverages a beer we import from Gurragchaa Orbital. Heady Stuff but it goes down smooth after long hours in the saddle. I am just reading over the latest downloads to my pad from Federal Liberal Command, it is really hard to believe that 12 months ago I took off this uniform I am wearing and headed off into space with a rag tag fleet of aging colonial transports, and now here I am wearing it again. Sure I have suffered a demotion in Rank and I am Cool with that, and I am back to hauling aid packages every week to 41 Lambda as part of our new Alliance with the Winters Wolves and the Spirit Wolves.

Many of the old colonist that were with us have already been causing a stir in local political circles over 85% have joined with the Movement for 41 Lambda Hydrae Future opposing the Winters Wolves control of the system. I am thinking that if they succeed they will try and push to dissolve the new treaty and Alliance with the Winters Administration. Many look to me for leadership as they have in the past and I sympathies with their feelings on the subject of 41 Lambda Hydraes Annexation, but now I don't know maybe I am getting old, but the new treaty and alliance I think might be good for us. It is time to put away old grievances as our ancestors once did and to forge ahead and try under this new paradigm to bring a better future for all peoples in 41 Lambda Hydrae Spirit and Winters Wolves alike.

I am looking at my newly reinstated Winters Wolves identification card and reading the old pledge on the back I made so long ago,

I take this oath as a (newly enlisted) Winters Wolf that I will develop my life for the greater good.
I will place character above riches, and concern for others above personal wealth,
I will never boast, but cherish humility instead, I will speak the truth at all times, and forever keep my word,
I will defend those who cannot defend themselves, I will honor and respect women, and refute sexism in all its guises,
I will uphold justice by being fair to all, I will be faithful in love and loyal in friendship,
I will abhor scandals and gossip-neither partake nor delight in them,
I will be generous to the poor and to those who need help,
I will forgive when asked, that my own mistakes will be forgiven,
I will live my life with courtesy and honor from this day forward.

If we all can stay true to this pledge I am thinking that things in 41 Lambda Hydrae will be better they just have to be.

Alpha Pack Elder for the Winters Wolves
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