Cmdr N.R.Crosby
Trader / Diplomat
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Registered ship ID
Python X-6CZR
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Winters Wolves

Logbook entry

Captain's Log Stardate 330308.04

04 Aug 2017N.R.Crosby
Well I suppose I had better start making my logs more official now that I am serving again, under the Federation Banner and hauling Aid packages to 41 Lambda Hydrea for Felicia Winters. Has it been two weeks since I last made a log, there has been so much going on and I have been pulling some really long hours in the saddle my backside is about as chaffed as it can get but I will endure it.

   I just got a communication today from the Pilot's Federation that I will be getting my promotion to Ranger Status, after I made that long 400 Ly trek trying to discover the location of our Lost Sister Colony. We haven't given up and I intend to create a new Squadron headed by Commander Daisy Kato our Chief of Operations Officer and our most prominent explorer. I also hired a group of outside specialist to go over and analyze the old data cubes. They did make some new discovery's 290 personal files and some actual schematics to the type of Transports that the colonists used. We will never give up hope.

   I got to go make another 2 Aid runs before the day is out and I only have another 6 hours left to go to get it done, best get those FDL drives humming.

   N.R.Crosby - Alpha Pack Elder of the Winters Wolves.
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