Cmdr N.R.Crosby
Trader / Diplomat
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Registered ship ID
Python X-6CZR
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Winters Wolves

Logbook entry

Heroes of Bloody Hearts Day

02 Mar 2018N.R.Crosby
Crosby leans back in his chair, he is so tired and yet spending last night with his beloved Daisy for the first time since the attack of the 13th Legion began, some how reinvigorated him and gave him new life. Just then his intercom panel lights up and he switches it on. "Yes Gisele what is it?" Gisele McGee the Winters Wolves Operation Manager voice comes crackling across the office speaker system. "Robin I just wanted to let you know that Brian Gumbo of the Federal News Service has released his latest story to us to send out on Communication Channel 143. I am uploading it now to your terminal." Crosby checks his terminal and sees the uploading status coming in from McGee's Terminal. "Thank you, Gisele I will review it and send it out as soon as I am finished." As soon as the light flashes green signalling the transfer has been complete Crosby hits a key on his holoboard bringing up Gumbo's story on the giant HoloMonitor in front of his desk. Crosby reads the story and thinks back over the last couple of weeks. Is it true is it all over and could it be Sapites Silver Bridge Industries was at it yet again. That damn Corporation knows no bounds in its attempt at controlling this sector of the Galaxy. He reads the words of praise and thanks going out to so many that came and fought alongside the Winters Wolves. He knew he just knew the Galaxy was filled with more light than it was darkness. He reaches out and touches the button that will upload and send this story out across the Galaxy. Heroes such as this need to be recognized.

UPLOADING FILE ......... ............
TRANSMITTING FILE ............................FILE TRANSMISSION...............

Satisfied Crosby tabs another comms panel and the sweet voice of Daisy Kato his wife answers. "Hey babe, you coming home tonight. the kids and I sure miss you it be nice if you could make it home 2 days in a row?" Crosby clears his throat with thoughts of home filling his mind. "That is what I was calling about figure I be on the shuttle in 45 minutes and thought I let you know I be home soon good to hear I am still welcomed." Crosby laughs at his own humor, the picture of Daisy on the HoloMonitor just shows a smirk. "Lucky if your not here in 50 minutes you may not be and it will stay that way for a least a whole 15 minutes or so." Daisy and now Crosby begin laughing and Crosby say's,"15 Minutes ah bloody hell I will never last a whole 15 minutes your a cruel women Daisy a cruel women." Still slightly giggling she say's, "Just get your butt home old man and I mean now." Crosby leans forward and say's, "I am on it sweetheart see you soon." With that Crosby shutsdown the communications panel checks and sees the Transmission to the satellite is complete. He places the unit in sleep mode and heads out of his office
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