Cmdr N.R.Crosby
Trader / Diplomat
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Python X-6CZR
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Winters Wolves

Logbook entry

Departing Freinds

19 Mar 2018N.R.Crosby

N.R.Crosby (Player Character)
Alpha Pack Elder for the Winters Wolves Faction.

JAYCE NEWBURY (Player Character)
Call Sign- Sonic(Dart)

CMDR Jayce 'sonicdart' Newbury knocks at the elders door. He's shaking, holding his personal data pad in his hands. He doesn't know how N.R.Crosby  will respond to his request, and the waiting is eating at him.

Crosby looks up at the young commander standing before him and say's

"Hello Sonic and how can I help you today?"

"Let me just be blunt and get down to business."

Jayce slides his pad over towards him. A resignation letter.

"I humbly request to be stripped of my rank and be moved to the grey wolves."

The commander did everything he could to remain calm and professional, as he felt both saddened and happy.

"My biological mother whom I presumed was dead, has found me, turns out she has her own family Planet Side on Erevate, and that's where I'll go. My life as a pilot has been fruitful, and it has been an honor serving both you and this family. But it is time I join my original family again, it is time k reconnect with my roots."

Crosby looks at the Pad and sees the resignation document and stands and walks over to the young man and extends a hand, thinks about it a moment and wraps his arms around Sonic in a big bear Hug. Standing back he say's,

"I always say family comes first lad, if it is time it is time, but always remember you have a family here too on Wayola, and will always be here for you if you ever need us because that is what Family, Packs or Tribes do."

Again Crosby extends a hand but this time he raises it to his head in a proud salute of the young officer.

"Stay in touch if you can and I will put through this resignation when I get to it or maybe I just get Gisele to do it."

Crosby drops the data pad on his desk and sits back down.

"Be well Sonic and tell your mom hi for me, and how proud I was with her boy and with serving with him will ya?"

Sonic allowed a tear to roll down his cheek while he saluted him back. Then took the pad and turned around.

"This is not the last you'll hear of me Crosby."

He took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Newbury out"
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