Cmdr N.R.Crosby
Trader / Diplomat
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Python X-6CZR
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Winters Wolves

Logbook entry

Mama Knows Best Part 1

29 Mar 2018N.R.Crosby

Crosby comes into his office he had his first cup of coffee, but his head is pounding after yesterdays brutal drinking affair. May the Ancestor bless Atlas he thinks to himself if it wasn't for him he wouldn't have gotten home again.

Just then Gisele McGee the Winters Wolves Operations Manager comes bounding in rather frantic she say's,

"It's official Shelton agreed to the ceasefire and the transfer of ownership of Conrad Enterprise."

She hands Crosby a datapad listing the necessary agreement. Crosby looks at it and shrugs and drops the pad on his desk and say's,

"Well at least he has come to his senses any more word on that damn Pact their signing, he knows I won't tolerate that!"

McGee Scowls at Crosby and retrieves the Pad.

"Dammit Lucky I am sick of this shit. You not the only one who lost friends around here, and need I remind you we lost good people in the conflict with Purple Legal too! I think you seriously need to consider getting away from all this for a time, your sour mood around here is a drag on all of us.  This was good news and you take it like I just handed you a glass of Egarian Nester Beetle juice.  Look I know it is hard doing what you do and you have so much responsibility and I am not unsympathetic to any of that, but as your friend and co-worker you either need to pull yourself together and man up and stop being this dark cloud that sulks around the office or you need to go home and stay there awhile until you can come back here like the man we all know and respect got it!"

Crosby looks up at his colleague, admiring her for her audacity to unload like that on him most men wouldn't  but not Gisele he could always count on her for her bluntness, honesty and compassion and he did indeed hear compassion in what she was saying no matter how harsh it was coming across. He stands up and walks around the desk and say's to Gisele.

"Come here you old battle-axe."

Crosby then wraps his arms around Gisele in a big bold embrace.

"Your right." he says "of course you are"

Crosby then begins to tear up while nesting his head next to Gisele's

"Gisele I just ache all over, not just physically of course, that is my doing, the drinking, but emotionally and mentally too.  I am sorry I haven't been any help around here I admit it."

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