Cmdr N.R.Crosby
Trader / Diplomat
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Python X-6CZR
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Winters Wolves

Logbook entry


20 Nov 2015N.R.Crosby

The Shadow President this week announced she was assuming control of the Star System 41 Lambda Hydrae, the question on everyone's minds was she welcomed or not? The sub space communications channels were a buzz this week as the takeover of 41 Lambda Hydrae juggernauted its way into the history books.

This reporter assigned here two weeks ago to report on the sudden crop failures attributed to a toxin released into the soil by elements of the Black Falcons a known Federation mercenary company reported to be employed by the large and powerful Tashile Foods Corporation. This Corporation also a large financial contributor to both President Hudson and the Shadow President Felicia Winters campaigns, came under fire recently in local news here on 41 Lambda Hydrae A6 also known as Wayola by the locals after investigations revealed large substantial payouts and bribes to local administrative officials to subvert Wayola's Corporate Charter.

This Charter sets conditions on Corporations doing business on Wayola and regulates them to run their operations there as Cooperative Corporations a business model practiced by inhabitants of Wayola, and investigations suggest Tashile Foods was making every attempt to undermine this process.

Thirteen Days ago eight members of the Black Falcons were apprehended by Winter's Wolves security services just before they could totally complete their release of this devastating toxin and were taken into custody for crimes against the Wayola People.

This week as the investigation was coming to a head. news arrived at Operation Winters Wayola's orbiting starport also known as Yurchikhin Ring by outsiders that Felicia Winters had ordered her forces to take control of 41 Lambda Hydrae.

Fleet Admiral Crosby The Winter's Wolf in charge at Operation Winters, ordered an immediate Boycott and Blockade he then gave interdiction orders of all Federal vessels attempting to run the Blockade of 41 Lambda Hydrae. He issued standing orders that a emergency session be called in the Alpha Chamber and House of Beta to discuss these plans by the Federalists.

Base Commander Crosby then ordered and inquiry from the Bureau of Preparation to which the Director of the Bureau of Preparation is on record as saying that he made a request that 41 Lambda Hydrae not be placed upon the Shadow Presidents Preparation list

In response to his request Felicia Winters Sky Marshall has been quoted as saying, "I need to reinforce here that my loyalty lies solely to the Federation and to Felicia Winters. This means that I am not a Winters Wolf, and I cannot sacrifice a profitable system for the sake of its independence, especially now. "Profitable by who the Federation or the Tashile Foods Corporation?

At this time it is rather unclear what happened next early reports suggest a group of Federalist supporters seized control of Operation Winters and began taking control of Winters Wolves Communication relays. Upon Fleet Admirals Crosby orders Operations Winters communications net was taken offline and wiped from system memory.

The takeover must have been quick, fast and deliberate. Some reports even suggest more Black Falcon involvement as the culprits apprehended the week before have gone missing from the Operation Winters Brig.

NEWS UPDATE November 16th 3301

This reporter has uncovered new revelations in this story. Operation Winters has been taken over by the Federalist and been renamed Federal United Command. The disposition of the Hai-Malistso or Winter's Wolves is unknown some reports suggest a roundup is taking place on the newly renamed Starport where loyalties are being questioned there are even rumors that Felicia Winter's Sky Marshall has been seen walking the hallways.

Base Commander Crosby and his wife Daisy Kato also the late Director of the Bureau of Finance have not been seen or heard from for four days since Crosby was heard making pleas on the public broadcasting channel urging the Chindi-Malistso or spirit wolves to pay attention to the facts on the ground and that History was repeating itself all over. His broadcast were silenced after Federal Forces ordered his signal jammed from the newly renamed orbital platform.

NEWS FLASH November 21st 3301

This just in 14 Ancient Colonial Transports were witnessed lifting off and departing 41 Lambda Hydrae A6 destination unknown at this time in their lead a Bright Fiery Red Cobra MK III could be seen and alongside it a Silver and White Asp Explorer both rolling back and forth as they were lifting up and out of the atmosphere. . A recent recorded message from the Late Base Commander Crosby has been received by this reporter its contents to be aired later.

Brian Gumbo
The Cosmic Gazette
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