Cmdr N.R.Crosby
Trader / Diplomat
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Python X-6CZR
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Winters Wolves

Logbook entry

Spanning the Galaxy

28 Nov 2015N.R.Crosby
Commander's Log November 27th 3301

   Commander Daisy Kato and Myself departed the Colonial Fleet after leaving it in a safe a secure location near 41 Lambda Hydrae. I had sold off all my ships except my Cobra MK III which I used to traverse the Galaxy to the other side of inhabited space. With the idea of finding a new location by which we could park the Colonial Fleet while awaiting on all my hails to our allies and friends for a Sanctuary System for the Fleet.

    We scoured many systems trying to find one suitable but so far have not had any luck. We ended up in the T'ienimi Star System, where I sold the Cobra as it isn't fitted to well for Exploration and purchased a Sidewinder to taxi to nearby Li Yong-Rui systems where I picked up an ASP  and fitted it out for Exploration after having returned to the T'ienimi Star System. I returned again and purchased another T7 which I could use to purchase much needed supplies like food and water for the Fleet. We sent word to the Fleet to to meet us here at Wolf's Landing a small outpost located just inside the T'ienimi Star System. From here we plan on carrying out our investigations of the nearby star systems trying to find one suitable for colonization or at least capable of handling such a large  immigration of people.

   Word back from Wayola is there is a large contingent of Chindi-Malistso waiting for us to come and pick them up if and when we find a suitable system. The numbers suggest all is not going as planned under the new Federation Rule. One communication even reported that a large fleet of Tashile Foods Corporations T9's had arrived in the system with Food and Medicine and were giving it away to the Chindi-Malistso in the name of Felicia Winters typical Federation Bribery, buy the peoples loyalties, after having stolen them in the first place.

I have been going through some holocubes that my uncle had hidden away on my old Cobra . and these records suggest that back during the Great Path a previous Colony might have been established, I do not know why the records are so sketchy and why the need for such secrecy but all records I have found were strongly encrypted and it has taken weeks of work to uncover what little I have found out so far. I will continue to search the records for more information as time allows but given the need to find a Sanctuary System for the Fleet I fear time is something I will have little of in the near future.

Wing Commander for the Chindi-Malistso
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