Cmdr N.R.Crosby
Trader / Diplomat
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Python X-6CZR
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Winters Wolves

Logbook entry

Will history never stop repeating itself.

28 Feb 2021N.R.Crosby
I Alpha pack Elder of the Hai-Malistso (Winters Wolves) am so old, so greyed by a lifetime of conflict, betrayal and treachery. When will it ever end? Will the Malistso peoples of 41 Lambda Hydrae never know peace?

I have recently gained control of the Mainframe in Yurchikhin Ring again what was it just over 5 years ago I fled that starbase due to Felicia Winters supporters treachery, and now I find myself embroiled yet again with these same dark forces.

I have recently sent out a Galactic Dispatch Documenting this treachery maybe soon The Reporter Brian Gumbo of the The Cosmic Gazette will find me for a interview and another Operation Firestorm article will be penned.

I wish their were younger commanders of pride and integrity who fully understood the meaning of the Wolves Pledge and the responsibility that comes with taking the oath.  

But alas our forces are weakening, our allies prove unable, unwilling or even accommodating of this treachery against me and the peoples of 41 Lambda Hydrae, and the ruse of RESURGENCE in my absence and time away on Wayola ( 41 Lamda Hydare A6 ) has proven devastating to the 10 billion inhabitants of 41 Lambda Hydrae.  

Times Change Winds Change who knows maybe soon the Winds will begin to blow favorably again for the Malistso Peoples.

Alpha Pack Elder of the Hai-Malistso
Great Chief of all the Malistso Tribes.
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