Logbook entry

In the Bar

19 Aug 2019Jim Beaumont
The bar was busy, so I took a stool at the end of the bar top, my back to the wall with a good view of the door so I could hopefully spot Merc’s arrival. Oddly for me, I took a strong coffee and avoided the beer. Samson looked disappointed and surprised at the same time.

‘So, come on then Samson, what’s been happening in my absence? 3 years is a long time for nothing!’
‘Where to start Jim, what do you want to know about?’
‘Let’s start with that piece of work Duta. What’s he been up to? Is he still around here or has he been moved on? I see it is still the same faces around the place.’
‘Duta. Wow. Been a while since he has been here. After you left, he was still running the place or at least that was the appearance he gave out. They ensured that no other party was going to make any head way, rumour was that every outlet, office was all in the pocket of the Commonwealth and taking backhanders, even the other political offices. As you know, the lad was passing info out of here regular, but we never knew to who and who it supported. Suddenly the drops stopped. We were worried for a while and had to keep a close eye out for anything suspicious, but nothing ever happened. Then one day there was a huge commotion at the outpost, Herbert. And this place was suddenly awash with security and a complete lockdown was enforced. The Minister of Commodity had been murdered and the Minister for System Strategy had been severely wounded in an attack on the docking pad at Herbert. The Cartel was fingered for the hit and they rooted out as many as possible. Duta was heading the hunt for the perpetrators. They never did announce any arrest, most believe they got them just by taking out as many Cartel ships as possible. As for Duta, he got his promotion straight to Minister of Justice. He meted it out in his own way, brutally. I think in the end that’s what drove Merc and Oppo away but that’s just my conclusion. When the new Minister for System Strat was announced, he was a more moderate kind of guy which obviously clashed with Duta’s ways. In the end he was shipped off to serve elsewhere where the Commonwealth had recently expanded to, 317 I think it was, where he could best quell any uprising in his normal ways. Last I heard, he was still there as it’s MoJ. This place has been relatively quiet since in that sense. The Inc and WP have kept trying to get going but nothing comes of it. Even in the last month, the WP especially have got going but again that’s dying off as the Commonwealth just oil the wheels.’
‘Backhanders still going then?’
‘Not sure. I think they are just savvier now and don’t need to do it. That’s not to say it isn’t happening though.’
‘I see Gincha isn’t in the Commodities now. Where’s he got to?’
‘His maker. Passed away early last year, cancer got him. I blame all that Bio-Waste he was taking in for processing poor bastard. He got a good send off though. Liked by all here who knew him.’
‘Poor bugger. I went by Odu the other day. They have rearranged that place considerably. I met some lady called Berry in the WP Office, never seen her before. Half expected to see Pastolis in there, still facilitating’ I added with a chortle.
‘Oh Pastolis. Now here’s an interesting one for you. You mustn't have been to the WP here then, because he’s working in that very office!’ he said grinning.
‘Never. Really? Is he working here for the WP? How the hell did that happen?’
‘Not long after Duta’s move is how. I guess he was the right person as far as the WP were concerned, given his history here. He knows the place and people if nothing else.’
‘Must pay him a visit then. Christ that must be eating at Duta, he gets shunted out and his lackey steps in.’
‘No idea how much influence he has, probably still a lackey I guess but yes he is here. Odd how things turn really isn’t it.’

The surprise news of Pastolis had diverted my attention from the rest of the room, especially the door I had been watching.

‘Here’s some more news for you Jim’ said Samson with a gentle nod towards the door.
I turned to see a familiar face walking across the room in a tattered leather jacket. Merc looked no older than 3 years ago, that big grin of his beaming at us both. Samson got the Doombar’s ready, 4 of them. Only a few strides behind him was Oppo. As they arrived at the bar we each took a beer.

‘Good health Gentlemen’ toasted Merc with a chink of glasses.
‘It’s good to see you all, cheers’ I replied.
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