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Paper maps and scraps of paper

16 Feb 2016Jim Beaumont
‘Jim, we need to talk. Shit is changing and I have no idea what is going on. Meet me at your fleet station’

A simple message, but I hadn’t the foggiest of clues what he was talking about so to the fleet it was. I was mining for some Platinum and Osmium at the time to fulfil a couple of contracts, and as I had what I needed I stopped what I was doing and headed back to the fleet. I had plenty of time in hand on handing those contracts in, so a slight deviation from the plan wouldn’t harm.

I heard his heavy footsteps walking up the ramp, while I tidied up inside the Vasco.

‘Now then Merc, what gives?’
‘Jim, having a clean up at last I see’
‘Looking short of a good shower yourself mate’ I replied. He looked knackered.
‘Busy few days Jim. Bouncing from A to B to C to A etc. Anyway, during all this I have noticed a few changes around the area. And I’m a little confused as to what’s going on. Kind of hoping you can shed some light on stuff. Do you have that map handy?’
‘Here somewhere’ I said, scratching my head, clueless as to where.

With the map on the floor, Merc started to get stuff off of his chest.
‘Right. Bear with me on this, let’s just make sure I have things straight in my head.'
‘Ok. What you got’
‘I’ll start with the WP. They are running these 3 places, sitting happy in 802. 10-11 progressing well and looking like they have plans to move onward to challenge the Purple Rats here. Correct?’
‘Sounds good to me’
‘In you’re/their home system, they are waiting for the right moment to make there move, and we believe they are going to here from our understanding of what they EI did, into the same system the EI did. Pointless really, agreed?’
‘You’ve got it good so far’
‘My lot on the other hand have moved into here, and looking like starting a war to take control of the place, meanwhile back at home are ready to move again, this time into here’, his fingers moving across the map feverishly in eagerness to get to the point of all this.
‘If our understanding is correct then yes. All looks bloody fine and dandy to me big fella’
‘As you like to say, Spanner in the works time then. Me and you have both done some work for the Liberals out of here, that little Fed band’
‘Yeah that’s right; in fact it was mining contracts for them I was doing when you messaged me. Is that a problem?’
‘Depends on what you think, could be bad, could possibly be good though too if my thinking is right’
‘All ears, what you thinking?’
‘Well, it would look like they are also on the verge of pushing out. Any guesses where?’ he said with a knowing grin.
‘Surprise me’ I replied inquisitively.
He just pointed. Right where the EI had gone and where we believed the WP were earmarking.
‘You’re shitting me. Wow. That does change things’
A silence ensued while I stared at the map, and Merc stared at me. I was in a state of puzzlement, what to make of it. Merc decided to break the silence.
‘What if we push the Liberals to move into there with the EI, what would the WP do then? Still go for it?’
‘I’m sure they would have a change of heart. Why would they want to challenge in a system with 3, especially when your lot look like having a stranglehold on the place now, what with war on the verge of coming to. Two seconds, I got a chart of likely spots for the WP to have a crack at’ and I went to a draw behind the jockey seat and sifted through loads of scraps of paper. Looks like that needs sorting out to I said to myself making a mental note. I found what I was looking for.
‘Jeez Jim, get with the times will you. You and your bits of paper’
‘I’m comfortable with them’ I chuckled. ‘When I was working out their where to’s after the EI went to somewhere of a surprise, I got a list of likely’s to 30 Ly. So if the Liberals move in to your new gaff, then the next on the list is Naki. And that is …’
‘Here. Went there last week, some obscure job shipping Mineral Extractors. Another out there Outpost of nothingness. Can’t be more than 1500 people in the place. On the other hand, easy meat for the WP I’d say’
‘God dam it, I wish I knew what they were thinking the WP. Bloody Commies’
‘No sign of Pastolis again then’
‘Unfortunately not. He could be anywhere in reality. I was hoping he may have stuck close to, but nobody can put a finger on him. A modern day scarlet pimpernel he his’
Merc just raised his eyebrows at me.
‘It’s a book Merc, you know, that paper stuff that you bind together and then you read one page at a time’ I said sarcastically.
Merc burst out laughing.
‘So what do we do? Help or hinder the Liberals. What to do’ I asked myself. Merc answered for me.
‘Help. Let’s get the WP to somewhere else. If nothing else it will open a few doors to a different region if that’s how we play it, or want to.’
‘Agreed. One outpost is the same as the next to a certain degree. The opportunity for a large station system is what the WP wants. Let’s push the Liberals through. Soon as.’

And with that me and Merc retired to the bar for the day. Sod it was more the thinking lets have a day off. Good food and a few beers was in order. Chatting away, we whiled away the hours. Merc had heard from Oppo yesterday. Still smashing away at Fed work, saving up for a new Corvette apparently. I’m sure if the call goes out though he will be back quick enough for some combat.

When I eventually retired to my ship and got in the bunk, I found another scrap of paper. I really do need to tidy up. But the scrap of paper was not some much scrap.
It was that list of ships from that document I never delivered weeks ago, when Pastolis was asking me to courier stuff, sometimes not worried if it arrived at its destination. Dam you Pastolis where are you? You may be able to shed some light on this list, and willingly now. I got out of bed and put the paper in the side pocket of the jockey seat. That’s where I keep all the good stuff, I think.
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︎2 Shiny!
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