Logbook entry

The Reds Move Out

28 Feb 2016Jim Beaumont
I'd spent the next day ferrying cargo and taking out pirates in the CNB at 10-11, but when I returned to the fleet base there was a cargo drop on urgent need for over 1M Cr, too good to turn down so it just had to be done. This left me 120 Ly from the fleet, so I bunked in the ship on the dock for the night. When I woke in the morning, a quick bite to eat and bought some metals to ship back, and off I set back to the fleet in Odu. Dropping out of supercruise to the station I was met with a lot of ship activity outside the station, it took me by surprise as I hadn't ever seen so much here.
It was soon revealed when I entered the docking bay. The WP had arrived! So for all of mine and Mercs summations, they had thrown in the final curveball and set up shop in the very place I wanted in the first place. I immediately sent Merc a message and he was as surprised as me. On the promenade, the WP representatives were quickly courting for public opinion, peoples interest peeked by the new arrivals. I took a wander around and eventually came upon the offices they had set up. They were offering Cr for trips back to collect supplies, so that was easy money, and easy credibility with them.

Only 2 days later, and they were looking at facing another faction in a War. The pace of change was relentless. they meant business alright. I had been doing some Bounty Hunting in 10-11 as well at the CNB, and the influence levels were getting higher and higher there to, and so becoming something of a major faction in this little corner of the galaxy. I was now more than ever needing a common contact within the party, the pace these people generated when they got going was amazing.

They hit another economic boom period some 4 days later, their stock with the populace in Odu on the rise each day, and making ground on the second most popular faction rapidly. And only 3 days into the that boom, and it was halted by a war. The Com WP had been opposed by the Drug Empire, firmly disgusted in the rise of this group of incomers. A perfect opportunity for the trio to engage in some combat, and so the call went out to Merc and Oppo to come and assist. We spent some good time in the CZ, smashing the Drug Empire who were ill prepared for war, despite them initiating it. Every time we returned to the WP Offices to cash in the bonds, the WP met us with smiles and Cr. The war lasted 4 days. The DE in ruin, with only a few diehard supporters left, the were no longer a political consideration, just a minor irritant. But more importantly, the WP's influence and support had risen considerably. Now to the point where the Info screens had the support at only 10% below that of the Coaltion.

And while that short lived war was happening, in 10-11 they were now getting ready to move out there too. Support had reached record levels there, and news on the planet base was that they had sights on a nearby system, another small place with no governance of any real type and a small population which could be easily persuaded to back them. And only 2 factions in the system. The Purple Rats running the place had a good support, but failed to offer any security to the traders passing through. And it relied upon its trade source of metals.

Doing missions for the WP in Odu, I was bringing in much needed metal supplies and increasing the manufacture of goods to the locals and for export. This pushed the WP into another boom period only 2 days after the ceasefire that finalised the war. Amazingly, just as that happens, the home system also gets to the point again where they were when they expanded into Odu, so now they have 2 places with potential to move out from. Now I'm a little lost as to where they will go to, and from where.

Meanwhile, Merc has pushed his EI into a ruling postion in his new system. He also had sparked a war, but with no CZ's appearing it looks like an easy takeover for his faction. And the EI are also gearing up to move out again in their home system.

It just been such a packed week, I was little lost and in a spin with it all. A days rest and contemplation was much in need, only it wasn't to come just yet. A walk in the the new WP offices and I found him. And he had found work by the looks of things.
'Found some employment then'
'Hello Cmdr, and yes I have thank you' replied Pastolis
'I'm glad for you', more for me if the truth be known. 'Do you have any work for me?'
'Absolutely Jim. Lots of hauling to be done, take your pick' and he showed me a list of contracts.
'I'll take those 3, I need to go that way anyway. Anything that needs special attention, keep me in mind please'
He cast me odd stare, a questioning one but nodded at me. I hope it's the beginning of a new beginning for us.
'It might be nice if we could sit down over a drink sometime you know, chew the fat, bygones be and all that' I offered.
'Maybe' he replied. Well it wasn't a no so it was a start.

And then today, when I checked the Info screen, only a 5% difference in the popularity stakes. the fight for control is only just around the corner. Another call to Merc and Oppo was on the horizon. Boom, War and Expand. It's a rolling scenario. Here we go again.
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︎1 Shiny!
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