Logbook entry

Mining and Meetings

29 Feb 2016Jim Beaumont
After I had fulfilled the contracts picked up from Pastolis in the WP Offices, I headed back to Odu. I had a new status within the Pilot Federation, now trading rank of Tycoon. Hopefully that will open a few more doors. And also while doing those deliveries, I managed to grab a few jobs for the Federation in the process, and was duly promoted with them to Lt Commander. A few more doors opened too. So it had been a good day all round. I hadn't long arrived back at Odu, when I strolled into the bar and found Oppo and Merc at a table drinking beer.

'Gentleman, how are we?'
'Great thanks Jim, you?' enquired Oppo.
'Tired but well thank you'
'In the need of a little rest are we' as he laughs, 'No rest for the wicked. Fancy a bit of mining, I have a new mate, not long got his pilot licence and is in need of some easy money so me and Merc are heading to the rings with him. The plan is to do a load of mining and get him some trade dividends while we are at it. He's managed to muster enough cr to deck out an Asp so he should be alright.'
'I'm taking a Vette, he'll get plenty of dividends from that' offered Merc.
'Sounds good to me lads. Could do with the casual sit back and drill routine. Who's this new fella then?'
Just as I ask he comes back from the bar with a round of drinks, and introduces himself.
'I'm Tobias, but please make it Toby. And you must be Jim' and we shook hands.

He then went on to explain how he came to meet Oppo, and about getting his licence in what can only be described as his 'middle years'. Not the usual young kid full of daring do. Seems a nice bloke.
'Well before we all get tanked on beer, when you heading out there?'
'Just waiting on you to get back, we bumped into Pastolis and he said you were running cargo for him. We figured you wouldn't be too long before your back to butter him up!' says Merc
'He will have his means I hope yes. I'm going to pop by the contracts office, see if there is anything on offer before we go then I'll meet you there.'
And with that we finished our drinks and made our way to the rings.

We winged up once we we all in the system, made our trip to the Gas giant and dropped into the rings. Now having never really mined as a formed wing, this was new. But it was brilliant. 4 people searching for Platinum, Palladium and Painite. As soon as one hit on it, they told the rest. One mined it, one waited, and the other 2 continued the search. As another find was made, he mined it and the first miner came and waited once he had completed his minning. The other 2 mined the first rock, then made there way across to the second rock. Leapfrogging along we just filled the holds with the 3 P's. Toby in his Asp went back to sell his load off, while Merc, Oppo and I carried on. Then when my Python was full, Toby was almost full so we went back together. And Toby got his first dividend payout. Toby filled again, and returned to sell it. Then finally we were all full and went back to station to sell the lot off. Over 1000t of the 3 P's. And Toby got his fortune in dividends. It was just the best mining experience ever.
And just to make it really good, on the final return there was some contracts on offer for mined goods of Painite and Palladium. And at that I called it a day. To darn tired to keep going. Those 3 went back to the rings, Toby hungry for more of the money, with Merc and Oppo happy to help while earning a good crust for themselves.
'Really appreciate this Jim, helps hugely' as he offered me his hand. I shook it firmly.
'Always happy to help. If you fancy some combat soon, then let one of us know. I think there may be a skirmish here in the next few days. The WP are making rapid progress, making a few enemies on the way mind. They will be looking to take control of this place soon, trust me.'
'I have a Vulture ship just ready for some of that. Not too far away.'
'Get a hauler taxi Toby, and then park it at my place for the time being' said Merc with a wink.
'Yeah I'll do that mate'

And with that I went to the canteen via the Vasco. I picked up that scrap of paper again. Something had tweaked my attention in the docking bay. A ship registration that just rung a bell. I checked the list but it wasn't on it. Close, but no cigar. So I stuffed it in my pocket.
In the canteen, Pastolis was eating alone. Time to further our new friendship.

'Hows the job' as I sat down.
'Good. Pays well. And they appreciate what I have to offer'
'Good to hear. And I'm sure you have plenty for them'
'What brings you hear?' he questioned.
'Well when I left you and Duta, I figured I know the place, they now more sort of, so why not. Done a good deal of work for the WP, and so when they moved into here I had to come as my fleet is parked up here. No shipyard at the outpost see.'
'All your ships here?'
I gently nodded yes.
'Have the WP payed you well for the work?'
'Nicely. Very hard to get to know anyone though. They are a real closed shop when it comes to the governing'
'Cautious of Mercenaries no doubt. Just like I was Jim!'
'True. Still, they are happy to push work my way. Different approach too, the setting up of the office and offering specific contracts of work there as opposed to putting it in the general domain.'
'Some stuff is a little more sensitive maybe' grinned Pastolis.
'Speaking of sensitive ...' as I pulled out the registration list. 'What do you make of these then?'
'Ship numbers. You know that'
'Yes I do. But what is special about these?'
'How the shit should I know? Didn't take you for a spotter.'
'I'm not one, but these got my interest. Nevermind'
'Where do you get them from?' he asks
'Lets not worry about that. Best we don't know I'd say'
'Fine by me. Right I'm off, had my fill of this garbage they call food'
'See you later then'
'No doubt' and with that he walked away.

A start if a rough one, but at least he's talking. Something was still bugging me about this list though, and I still couldn't pin it down to what.
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︎1 Shiny!
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