Logbook entry

Election Wins and Wanted Status

10 Mar 2016Jim Beaumont
The election went as pretty much predicted. The Coalition was already packing up in the Governing Offices before the election was officially over, the lead of 12% the day before unassailable. The WP party members were obviously delighted with the way things were looking. In the morning after, the result declared and the Communist WP moved into the offices vacated by the coalition only an hour previously, now the rulers of their 4 system, and their first major starport. I decided to get away from the chaos for a day and went to 10-11 to the CNB to clear some space of pirates for the WP branch in that system.
While doing so, and having some great success, during one fight with a FDL, another bounty hunter swung across my bow while I was raining down a stream of pulse laser. This quickly ripped through his already battered shields (I presume), and smashed his hull. I immediately picked up the fine for damaging a clean pilot. It would transpire that he soon died of his actions, and I picked up a Wanted tag for having a hand in his murder. Not happy. So carrying my wanted tag, I snuck into Odu and made for my bed for the night. The next morning, I got in to the Corte-Real, with the idea to do some of those cargo runs Pastolis talked of. I couldn’t find him in all the hullabaloo of the Election win, so just bought some cheap gear, filled the ship and went to trade it.
The Security weren’t pleased outside the station when I exited. Soon I was taking a few shots as I jumped out. Coming back was something altogether different.
I was prepared that this might be a little hairy. I dropped out of supercruise into station space, and made a long run round to the entrance. I then boosted in, requested my docking and continued. Then the scan started. I should have bailed out at this point, but foolishly didn’t. Just as I was entering the ‘toast rack’, the security opened fire, and my docking privileges were revoked. More fire from the security vessels. I pushed the Anni into hard reverse to escape the rack, pulled hard down on the stick to raise the nose and the hit full throttle and boost to push for an escape.
More volley’s of fire, shields coming down, I expelled a load of chaff but it was having no effect. The shields dropped. I boosted again, the hull taking damage and taking some punishment. Boost again, but I am still mass locked, and the security are chasing me down.
I eventually jumped into SC with 56% hull remaining. A quick dial up of a nearby system and I jumped out. Done. Escaped. Just.
Why I took the risk I had no idea. Foolish. Costly. Never again. I left the Anni in dock for repairs and got in a hauler taxi to go buy another ship. I’ll have to wait for the bounty on my head to be removed in a few days time before returning. Dam that foolish pilot in the CNB. He’s cost me days lost work and nearly my life!

Looks like I will be out and about exploring for those days, grab some data to sell at 10-11as they are gearing up to expand from there too. A few days for the election hoohaa to die down beforehand though.
And to try the biggy out properly.
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︎2 Shiny!
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