Logbook entry

With New Vigour

07 Apr 2016Jim Beaumont
I spent my time out in the black, bagged myself a belly full of Neutron star and Black Hole discoveries and hours worth of time reflecting on my path. What answers did I get? Your actually enjoying what your doing Jim. You have good friends willing to help you when they can, a plan for the future and although not everyone’s choice you have a sense of purpose about what you’re doing. And you can take your time and manage it to meet your needs. How many people have a dead end job and life, grinding day to day, running from A to B to A endlessly in a ridged plot of boredom? You have the freedom to go as you please almost. Why change that?

So I returned to Odu with a new vigour and ready to push the Communist WP all the way to Duta. He’s hasn’t left my mind altogether. I dropped off the Magellan Asp at Odu, jumped into the Infante and headed to that puny War in Merc’s place. After a few days hard work of running contract hauls and taking out Wanted vessels of the Silver Syndicate (my mind was that fried in the last log, I said it was the Liberals the war was against when it wasn’t) I finally managed to end the war with a big enough power margin. The Energy Industries that Merc is supporting are still well clear and in control, so I left the local WP alone after that.

Back at Odu, I got word from Pastolis about activity in 10-11, and that the WP were gearing to move out from there. I checked the situation out on the System Map for the political info, and the WP were sitting above the threshold just, but give it a couple of days and popularity might wane and drop them away from the chance. This is just what I needed. Just the chance I wanted to make things go in my direction. With the party HQ now sitting in Odu, but not an overly strong prescence I can guide them where I want them. So I shot across to 10-11, and sold some of that data I collected while away. Nothing more a small population likes than learning about what’s beyond the fringes of the bubble. Everyone has a thirst for knowledge. The following day, the popularity of the WP had shot up. Excellent. I’d worked out where to expect the WP to go next from 10-11, another step closer.

‘Good to see you back Jim!’ as I entered the bar at Odu.
‘Nice to be back thanks Oppo’
Oppo and Merc were partaking in a few beers, and a recognisable stranger was joining them. Casandra no less.
‘And very nice to see you as well Cass. Its been a while.’
‘It has. I bumped into these 2 the other day, and they offered me the chance to share a drink which I decided to take up. I don’t get many offers.’
That raised an eyebrow! One from each of Merc, Oppo and me. She blushed a little, realising how her comment was interpreted.
‘I don't understand why in that suit ! Anyway, quickly moving on. What we all up to?’ as I tried hard to avoid the glare, although I suspect she likes that flattery too.
‘Just about to head out into the black’ says Merc
‘Likewise for me too. Off to Beagle Point’ adds Oppo.
‘Wow. Didn’t think that would be your thing if I’m honest mate’
‘Something different. Change of scenery and all that Jim’
‘How about you Cass?’
‘The usual mining. It’s what I’m good at, and makes me good money. I am thinking of taking up residence here though. I need somewhere more permanent and here is very handy for the rings nearby.’
‘It’s a good place Cass. Be nice to see you around here more often than looking at these two all the time’
‘I’m offended now Jim’ interjects Merc.
‘Quite rightly so Merc. But your not exactly an oil painting are you’ as I laughed.
‘Your mate Pastolis has been giving me some good contracts too, so yes, here looks very good’ said Casandra.
Pastolis, I need to find him and speak with him again. About that list and Duta’s ship. Someone had been sending info out from under Duta’s nose, about Duta, and yet somehow it looked like he knew this. Pastolis was asking me to lose it or send it somewhere else but probably not knowing the contents judging by his reaction at the time I showed him the list. So my guess is that he knew it was from some ‘dodgy’ source without knowing the true nature. Which points to the fact that there was a underground movement of some sort, working against Duta and the governing body all the time, and they knew it, and they were on to them. And so Pastolis must know more about this.

‘He’s told me that the WP are looking to move into yet another system now from 10-11, so my little game is gathering momentum shall we say. Another place to nudge them on.’
‘They are in another economic boom too Jim. Someone keeps selling them lots of metal I heard’
‘Well they will keep offering me a good price on the stuff’ Cass defended.
‘I need that ended soonest. I want these guys moving, I have somewhere to be’
‘Where is that then?’ asked Casandra.
‘Where it all started for us’ I replied. She has never known the full story, and I wasn’t about to start replaying it just now either. She soon got the idea though.
‘There is a sense of niggle and revenge in that tone Jim. You have my ear now’
‘Another time Cass if you don’t mind. Lets just say someone has it coming’
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︎2 Shiny!
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