Logbook entry

The Rats Run ... and the WP Make Another Home

11 May 2016Jim Beaumont
‘What are you doing here Jim? Thought you’d be out there dispensing with some Rats’ quizzes Merc.
‘You would believe what’s going on out there. The people in the Asylum were so impressed with the WP, and then word got to Temple, the outpost, and that started a riot and war was declared with the WP. By the time the Rats had mustered a fleet it was a lost cause and the WP didn’t even dispatch a fleet to start the conflict. Job done. The people of Temple kicked out the Rats government, sent some ships down to the Asylum and brought the WP to Temple! Another system falls to the Commies, the people rejoice and the Rats are buried. They scattered and have become pirates in their own system now, although they have turned the nav beacon into a battle ground now so I have been Bhing there, along with other WP vessels. The place is secure and the WP roll on.’
‘Wow, they really are spreading out now’ says a stunned Oppo.
‘I have to admit, its took me by surprise at how fast they took over. I really thought the Rats would be a tougher prospect, but in the end it was the people and not the party that did it. The Commies just lit the blue paper and it all rolled from there. Quite stunning to watch it all unfold’
‘So what next?’
‘Well I heard they are looking to get moving out of Odu shortly, haven’t been back there for a few days as I have been down in Empire space doing some jobs for them. Managed to get a Clipper at last, and brought that up here and parked it in Odu, but didn’t hang about and went across to Temple to see what I could do to help. So I’ll get back to Odu soon and scope out how things lie.’

We were actually in one of the many bars in Li K, Mercs home system. It’s not often I have really spent any time here, with it being so close to Odu, and Merc generally preferred the food on offer at Odu. His EI faction had spread their wings of late too, moving into another two systems since I last spoke with him about how things were going. Unfortunately one of those systems has a Federation faction present, and the EI got themselves into a small skirmish with them. They sent in some capital class to shore it up. So the EI are just sitting tight for a while. The other system was more Anarchic and he thinks they are going to push to take control there first, a much easier job.

‘I was just telling Merc Jim, I was in Duta’s place two days ago. Something of interest for you’
‘What would that be then Oppo?’
‘I popped in to the bar, and old Samson was doing the usual of serving up good beer. After a short chat with him I went and sat in the screen room, watched a bit of an old film’
‘Really interesting that Oppo. Thanks. How is Samson anyway, I kinda miss him’
‘Oh he’s good. And the film isn’t the interesting thing. But his lad is.’
‘His lad?’
‘Yeah his lad. You see when I was sat in the screen room, I was near the back on the left side. Don’t know if you have ever been in there, but the lighting is a little dimmer in that corner, as the ceiling lamp is bust and has been for a long time. Anyway I’m sitting there and his lad comes in and sits a couple of rows in front of me, on his own. Minute or so later, another figure comes in and sits with him. The lad shuffles a bit, then the other figure shuffles a bit, then gets up and walks out while struggling with the belt at his lower back. A quick stop, very quick. The lad then gets up and walks out of the exit on the opposite side. I was convinced he passed him something straight away, so I made a sharp exit too to see if I could follow the other chap, but he’d already gone out of sight. Then when I get back to the dock, just as I’m lifting off and manoeuvring out I spotted him treading the walkway to a Python. No idea if it was his or not. And from the brief glimpse I got of him, not even sure if he was old enough to pilot one. But I’m sure your thinking what I am’
‘Oh Christ I hope not. Even scarier, the idea of Samson caught up in it too, but when you think about it, what a great job to be in if you want to know the comings and goings. Barman, rumour and story central. He even passed me notes when Pastolis and Duta wanted to see me. So he would be quite well informed of things’
‘Surely to god he wouldn’t have put his lad in a position of potential danger?’
‘Who knows Merc, who knows? Any idea of that Python reg?’
‘Knowing you’d ask Jim I tried, but some lunatic in a T9 was making his entry and making a right ballsup of it too at the time and I lost sight of the Python, sorry.’
‘I’d really like to know who they are passing the info to, whoever is sending it out be that Samson or some other. A line of comms with them might be useful, especially if they are aware of the WP’s advances but don’t know what they driving influence is! This next move out from Odu might actually act as a little bit of a curveball to Duta, who will I’m sure be watching progress. Jeez, I hope it isn’t Samson’

The table went quiet, we all just lost in our thoughts. I like Samson, we all do.

‘Saying that though Jim, if it is him, at least we know him well enough to have a certain element of trust there already’
‘Good point Merc, but I’m a bit lost as to how to handle this now’

The table went quiet again. Looks like all three of us are a little perplexed on this one.
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