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A trip into the dark....

07 Oct 2015Remedylive
So last night i decided to make some modifications to the Eden Soul. First off my plan was to strip out some of my weapons systems just to free up some power but I just went with the idea of cutting power to them because my jump distance is around 25ly as it stands and you never know where trouble will be.

Spent a small fortune on a automatic repair module (due to my ships new found hobby of trying to fly into a star as soon as it drops outta FSD)

After a bit of tinkering I was ready to lift off and set a course in the direction of the centre of the galaxy even thought I have no plans to make that trek just yet. Set my route to economical so I can grab as much data as possible, did one final check to make sure I had a healthy supply of Earl Grey then punched the launch key.





Sooooooooo 109 jumps later I have nothing major to report.

Picked up some salvage from an explorer that clearly had a nasty experience in an asteroid belt.

However I did pick up a strange signal that looked to be in orbit a planet with a high metal content, but as I moved in for a closer look it moved off at a speed that was more than impressive. And the strange thing is when I locked on to it with my sensors no ship image appeared on screen.

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