Logbook entry

Word from home.....then cause for alarm.....

07 Oct 2015Remedylive
I've received a message from home informing me that its back to business as usual in WOLF 1301


So there for I will conclude the long range test flight of the Eden Soul over and set a course for home.


Just checked the Galaxy Map and using an economical route it will take me 166 jumps to get home. Hoping this wont put to much stress on the FSD.

Had a quick look over my modules has revealed some surprising wear and tear.




LIFE SUPPORT ****54%*****

SENSORS ****46%****

FSD ****63%****



Now I'm pretty sure I wasn't riding the Eden to hard during this test. Sure I got cooked a few times during fuel scoops but no enough to warrant this kind of damage to my systems, didn't collide with anything and haven't been in any fire fights so what gives?

Luckily the fuel scoop is sat at 82% efficiency so I wont be lost in space any time soon. Another note should be that the ammo count on the repair module is below 50% so it was clearly a good idea to pick one up because god knows if I didn't I wouldn't be making this log entry.


Conclusion to this I will be tiptoeing home and monitoring module performance after X amount of jumps to see if I can spot a malfunction or if I'm over taxing something somehow. However this isn't my first rodeo so I'm a little lost as to how this happened.


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