Logbook entry

Callsign Tactical Tree, Log entry 4: Limits of FSV Marka Ragnos

31 Mar 2017Thomas Odell
Turns out my ship is not nearly as invincible as I would like it to be.

Just last night I had to retreat because the big ship was leaving a dent in my shields, while the small ones were focusing down all of my fighters, and in a Cutter I couldn't turn fast enough to actually use my weapons. They were outmanouvering me quite heavily, always staying on my tail.
To be frank, the shields weren't anywhere near 0%, closer to 60-70%, however I did not like that they managed to put them down so low. It was time to change the strategy.

I boosted out of their range, the Python couldn't keep up, even the Eagles had problems. That's Cutter's engines for you. Around 5km away from them I have turned back, deployed a fighter and told my crewmate to focus one of the eagles. Shields popped, hull destroyed. With one of the Eagles down, crewmate in an Imperial fighter had no trouble with disposing the other one on her own.

Time has come for the Python, and he knew it. He tried running, but even High-waking out wasn't an option. He went from no damage to dead before his FSD managed to charge.

I don't feel like I got the ship to its limits, and I do not care to find them out. A good safety net is what I need, so I will need to continue fine-tuning it to my liking.
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