Cmdr XxHyde840xX
Space cowboy / Freedom fighter
Registered ship name
LCS Highwind
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette LNF-1
Overall assets
Leviathan Scout Regiment
Zachary Hudson

Logbook entry

A New Beginning

09 Apr 2017XxHyde840xX
It's been about a month since I've been back to Mars High. I've missed the Sol system, but the Leviathan Scout Regiments endeavors into the G 203-47 sector have definitely been profitable for our group. Were even allied and on friendly terms with most of the factions there, including some of the more savory types of the criminal elements there. It never hurts to have allies. After having transported my new fleet back to the orbital station, I'm left with a cool 12.9 million credits, not a bad haul, if I do say so myself. Even the bounty hunting and supply runs to Yum Kamcabi went well. It hasn't been all sunshine and roses though. The side trip to Gandii ended in disaster, two novice crew ate it in the botched pirate raids and our group had to make a hasty retreat. We mourn their loss as the first two casualties of the LSR operations and we will never forget this harsh lesson learned... Still there's more capital to be acquired so with a log full of about 20 or so biowaste and data delivery missions in my logbook it's about time to head out of Sol and start my run. LHS 3262 has a good price on medical monitoring systems as well so that should net me a tiny profit on the way back. CMDRs LewdMoth, FeverishAtom, and MegaFluffyRex are running missions of their own for the moment but we pass by each other now and then as we've temporarily set up here at Mars High as we await contact from the powers that be about starting up in the Lambda Arae sector. We're still an unsanctioned PMF at the moment, though our group has been gaining traction with some of the Federal factions, and our goals align nicely with [REDACTED] so that's a plus. Not sure how much longer its gonna be though and we're getting restless, myself especially. I'm gonna miss the palm trees here when we find out where were setting up shop. Lambda Arae is the most promising so far, Diabak is a close second though. We have a last resort of Atropos if all else fails but were hoping it doesn't come to that.

OOC: I'll be keeping a running log of my exploits as well as that of the Leviathan Scout Regiment in the hopes that others read this and get inspired to do great things either as a part of or alongside our group. We are actively recruiting and have applied for our faction permit so if any Hudson aligned commanders on XBone are looking to wing up with a solid group of pilots look no further than this space blog and keep an eye out for us on the Elite: Dangerous forums, Discord, Reddit, here on etc...point is myself and the LSR hope you'll be seeing more of us out there as we expand our group and further our factions goals of helping the Hudson faction in PP, participate in Community Goals, try our hand at CQC, get set up in Colonia, and building our faction up! The Leviathan Scout Regiment wants YOU! So see you out there Space Cowboys!
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