Cmdr XxHyde840xX
Space cowboy / Freedom fighter
Registered ship name
LCS Highwind
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette LNF-1
Overall assets
Leviathan Scout Regiment
Zachary Hudson

Logbook entry

The Fleet Grows

15 Apr 2017XxHyde840xX
I've been hopping back and forth from Sirius controlled space and Lambda Arae as I source discounted ships and parts for the last couple of days. Profits have been up and down unfortunately, and it seems just as I get back our contact in Borr has left another message that he's got something our group might be interested in. My personal ship count is up to 13, with the latest acquisitions being the new Dolphin, manufactured by Saud Kruger, and the Lakon Asp Explorer. Shakedown runs have seen the Asp perform exceptionally well in combat, despite being fitted as a multipurpose ship. The price tag continues to grow as I source better modules, and debate engineering specs, but I've definitely developed an affinity for her. I've named her the Black Sakura, the paint scheme reminds me of the cherry tree blossoms back on Mars and the new fairings and spoiler mods both add some well needed maneouverability in atmo, and a profile not unlike the ancient stealth bombers of earth back in the 21st century.

I miss home, but I knew it was going the be lonely at times running this outfit of space cowboys and mercenaries. Things are better as an independent PMF, away from the red-tape, and issues we've had with the Federation. We're an odd bunch, and if my time in the Federation Navy has taught me anything, it's that not everyone is cut out for Federation life, myself included. We don't dislike the Federation, hell, we maintained our ties to the Hudson faction when we left, agreeing to take on military contracts and the like and are even working in tandem with other Federal forces. I think it's just at the end of the day we have a different approach to things, and we certainly don't agree with all of their laws. We maintain a friendly relationship with the Federal forces at the end of the day and what Zachary Hudson hopes to accomplish as a whole, we're happy to take part in, just on our own terms. Our faction comes first and I've made that clear to the members of the LSR as well as my contacts in Hudsons camp.

Things have been fairly lively overall at Redi Market for the most part. We've got a new recruit, ShortAwesomeness, good kid. He's got a quick trigger finger, and solid piloting skills, and he's already started to make a name for himself as an accomplished bounty-hunter. The warehouse we've purchased is starting to fill up with ships of all makes and models. Even the dog I picked up from Borr the other day seems pretty happy with his new home. We've taken to calling him Degrasse Tyson, or "DT" for short. He's a Cane Corso, a beast of a dog, black as the farthest reaches of space, and I swear he knows what we're saying. I remember fondly when LewdMoth, FeverishAtom, and MegaFluffyRex brought him back from Borr. One of the local dictators, a pompous, ruddy-faced, diminutive, pear of a man from the Atlas Corporation, waddled out of his office, and paraded himself in our general direction. Not even wanting to engage this idiot in conversation as he's been petitioning our group to work for him since we arrived, we made a beeline for our warehouse. He was faster than he looked though and managed to head us off. Well, DT didn't take too kindly to his approach and let out one of the loudest barks I've ever heard in his direction. Teeth bared, he looked like something out of an old horror movie. The tubby dictator-tot bolted, white as a sheet, back to his office, and DT just watched him leave, sat down and scratched his ear a few times before turning toward us and grinning. We just about keeled over with laughter as we made our way back to our makeshift hangar. Many treats were given when we arrived. Our contact threw him in with our latest purchase of parts and modules, said he got him at a good price and just wanted him off his hands. No idea why, he's well behaved, preferring to curl up in the business cabin onboard the Black Sakura and snooze, whether it's running or not. He is intelligent though, more so than some of the CMDRs we've run across in our travels, and I suspect there's a reason why our mechanic-friend wanted to get rid of him so badly. Still, he's a welcome addition to our outfit, and makes the monotony of some of our work a little more bearable.

Abundantly clear is the need to recruit fresh blood into the unit. 6 members is not nearly enough to maintain operational efficiency so I've got CMDR LewdMoth working on a regiment emblem for us while we await the Faction Permit to be processed. I know these things can take some time so we just have to be patient and stick to our missions and objectives in the meantime. As soon as the emblem is done we can update a few key things and begin the recruitment process at full steam. We're aiming for a goal of 50 members so we have a ways to go but I don't think its an unreasonable goal. I can't wait for all of the awesome things the galaxy and universe as a whole has in store for us.

Commanding Officer
Leviathan Scout Regiment

OOC: Welp, second logbook entry is complete, hope it was halfway decent. I figure this is a good way to try and build up some lore for our pilots and our faction so we're a more interesting galactic entity, filled with well developed characters and I'm going to try and post one of these a week. Once we get the emblem finished we'll be posting recruitment ads everywhere were allowed but in the meantime, if you're an enterprising, Hudson-aligned CMDR looking to join a solid group of players on Xbox as we explore, expand, and get our name out there, you can contact me on here, or on Xbox using the same handle. (XxHyde840xX) Stay Schwifty out there CMDR's, and any feedback on these logs is appreciated.
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