Cmdr XxHyde840xX
Space cowboy / Freedom fighter
Registered ship name
LCS Highwind
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette LNF-1
Overall assets
Leviathan Scout Regiment
Zachary Hudson

Logbook entry

Building the Future

15 Jul 2017XxHyde840xX
After many drinks and many conversations I've gotten to know our mechanic friend from Borr. Over the last few months he's moved most of his operations to Diabak to help support the LSR as we grow. Still don't know his name though, still don't think to ask to be honest. I just call him "Pops." He reminds me alot of what I remember of my dad as a kid. Big, intense eyes, a hearty laugh, and always half buried in some ship or project. I never got to know him though. He left one day on a mission and never came back. Mom was never the same after that. Just kind of holed up on the farm on Mars and kept to herself. My brother left for military college, and once I finished my contract with Core Dynamics as a test pilot I enlisted in the Federal Navy, left, and started up the Leviathan Scout Regiment. Maybe I was trying to rebuild a family, maybe I should've just stayed at home. Who knows? Either way I've got the crew, the Regiment, our canine companion DT, Pops and some good friends. I'm happy to lead this group. Pops has been a fountain of knowledge and a good friend. I often find myself talking to him after a mission or seeking his advice with how to proceed. I know he doesn't want to be a leader but hes always around and always helping with something.

The engineering circuit is going well and my list of contacts has grown exponentially over the last few weeks, just a few more to gain access to and upgrade and I'll be able to start really getting to work on some ship builds. Pops went to the trouble of ordering a bunch of Pack-Hound missile racks from the guys in Rui's camp before I defected to Winters. Gotta remember to thank him with a bottle of whiskey from somewhere in my travels, something rare and hard to come by perhaps.

The faction runs itself for the most part now and aside from administrative and leadership requirements i have a bit more free time to run missions and organize things, though I have been a bit lax lately. Hopefully the new Mission Objective I've released will bring everyone back together and get to work, we're also reorganizing a canyon race/lap race for fast ships in the coming weeks so I'm gonn have to put something special together for that as well, I've got a few builds in mind, maybe a courier or something fur the unlimited class, but I'm looking forward to it as I missed the last round of racing.

Also stopped by the Ingaba, a bar well known for good drinks and conversation in the Inara system. Saw some old friends, met some people, was a good time all around. The brandy was good too, I've bookmarked it and will definitely be heading back sometime soon. In the meantime though, we've all got work to do. My Corvette is sitting half stripped as we speak. Unfortunately the parts I require need a little bit of work to procure so the finalized build wont be able to be completed for another few months. I'll have to rely on the Jormungand for now as the Highwind is in storage until further notice.

OOC: Thanks for reading everyone, probably a bit of a ramble but it's been a while and I had the urge to write. Hopefully it was enjoyable and I'm looking forward to anyon'es input on maybe a direction for my story/characters in terms of RP, and also participants if you'd like. Check out the Leviathan Scout Regiments website/Inara Wing Page to find out more about us or how to contact me or our Military Council. o7
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