Cmdr XxHyde840xX
Space cowboy / Freedom fighter
Registered ship name
LCS Highwind
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette LNF-1
Overall assets
Leviathan Scout Regiment
Zachary Hudson

Logbook entry

A Full Plate, And Then Some

16 Sep 2017XxHyde840xX
It's been two months since we began operating out of Baudu, but through the hard work and sacrifice of the members of the Leviathan Scout Regiment, we are on the verge of securing a major victory, both for ourselves, and for the FRC. Though we had some setbacks at the start of our mission to push Baudu Empire Party's influence to the point they could hold control of the system, we are finally one battle away from finishing this and going home. Our forces are dogged, tired, but sharp as ever. You can feel how tense it is everywhere. Pilots, mechanics, and operational staff scurry about their duties and stare ahead with dark-circled eyes, intent and single minded in their objective. Victory. I almost feel bad over the casualties that are inevitable going to ensue from this war but we must finish what we started. Independent Baudu Union Party has been a blight on the system of Baudu for a while now and I'm anxious to force them out of power, and return the system to a more peaceful form of government. Baudu Empire Party has assured me that they are both capable and fit to lead this system, and their humanitarian efforts towards those affected by our combined campaign have been nothing short of extraordinary. While this has been a joint operation in conjunction with FRC forces, it has also doubled as a form of training for our operatives, getting them used to both how galactic politics work, and how to affect them on a large scale, and we are grateful for the opportunity to help a small, backwater system being oppressed, and learn from the experience in the process. We can only hope to strike swiftly, and mercilessly when the war begins and hopefully end this as soon as possible. We have more pressing matters to attend to unfortunately...

It seems there has been a bit of a rebellion brewing in the Coma system, with CMDRs from factions in Coma and the surrounding systems declaring Denton Patreus a tyrant, and unfit to lead. The machinations of Patreus, The Club, and all of their associates have been a burden on the galaxy for far too long, and we will be preparing a strike force to assist in the liberation efforts of Coma and the surrounding systems in conjunction with a multitude of forces, who have chosen to stand together, united in their desire to forge their own destiny, and be free to choose their own path. The list of war-crimes is numerous, but suffice to say the cause is more than worthy and I hope more will join and lend their support before long.

We also received word via courier that our faction permit was finally approved, and that we will be allowed to begin operations as a sanctioned PMF in the near future, though when I grilled the CMDR who delivered the message, he sheepishly told me that he wasn't given any additional information. Typical, but it's better news than nothing so we can only continue to wait.

Pops hasn't been around much, but he has left a delivery from some key contacts in Denton Patreus's camp, a set of six Advanced Plasma Accelerators. Likely the last I'll see of them for quite some time after we begin operations to help liberate Coma too. I don't know how he manages to run the docking bay and shop for us and his shop in Borr but we're thankful for the help, gods know we need all the help we can get with the Thargoids practically at our doorstep. He mentioned he may have a selection of new gear to deal with our insectoid friends if they become particularly hostile, and while we're all glad to have access to the tech, we're honestly hoping to avoid outright hostilites, since we may be able to open a dialogue and learn from them. I highly doubt any sort of peaceful resolution will last long though knowing the nature of the Thargoids.

Operational costs have also skyrocketed, as the crew of three under my command are both qualified, and capable. Unfortunately skills like theirs requre a decent paycheque to retain their services, and since babysitting our monstrous mutt, DT, falls under their job description from time to time, I'm glad to shell out the credits to have them in our ranks. The constant purchasing of new ships and modules has begun to take a bit of a toll on our bankroll as well but it comes with the territory, I just wish there was a way we could formally pay our operatives like the Galactic Powers do. My personal fortune will soon be a thing of the past however, as the Highwind, St. Elmos Fire, Black Lagoon, and Tunguska Event all receive a massive overhaul and refitting for the coming operations. The regiment is doing well as a whole though, aside from some slight hiccups, but everything can't be perfect, nor do I ever want it to be. Part of what makes this all so exciting is not knowing what tomorrow brings. But I do know this, whatever comes our way, we'll meet it head on, and forge our destiny in the stars.
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