Cmdr Keltsfrits
Mercenary / Bounty hunter
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Anaconda x-2mvx
Overall assets
Imperial Deathwatch
Arissa Lavigny-Duval

Logbook entry

Report A-0002: Hold the line

06 Nov 2023Keltsfrits

Yesterday's combat was intense but we held out. Catyusha and Vin were eventually relieved from the settlement and made their way back to base for some rest. Med Bay also released Konnit on light duty earlier this morning. There was still some light skirmishes here and there but something seemed off. While we had taken out quite alot of enemies over the past several days, many more had broken from their squadrons and retreated. Just as i feared, we got the intel that the enemy was regrouping for a major counteroffensive. I went to break the news to Fireteam Alpha. Konnit and Catyusha were in their quarters, understandably in need of a days rest, Vin was down at the bar and wasnt too pleased when I had to interrupt his drink. He understood what needed to be done though and the two of us set out to hold the line.
There must have been hundreds of enemy ships in the fleet headed for us but backing down was not an option. Their fleet commander was also a little wiser this time around, sending spec ops wings to specifically target both Vin and me. The spec ops managed to split the two of us apart and almost overwhelmed us. It took most of our ammo and shield cells but we managed to pull through, our allies were counting on us, we could not lose another fight, we could not let the enemy reach the planet again. After several hours the enemy suffered from attrition and once again retreated. Seeing the remains of nearly 200 ships littering the combat zone we knew once again the day was ours. Id say it is increasingly likely that their resolve will break soon and this civil war will be over.
There hasnt been much chatter over comms about skirmishes since the retreat, but thats no guarantee things are over. It does however mean another victory, and another night we can rest and repair. Signing off for tonight, having a drink with Vin at the bar to make up for earlier.
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