Cmdr Keltsfrits
Mercenary / Bounty hunter
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Anaconda x-2mvx
Overall assets
Imperial Deathwatch
Arissa Lavigny-Duval

Logbook entry

Report A-0003: Victory Secured

08 Nov 2023Keltsfrits
Unfortunately I had to take myself out of the fighting yesterday, ship is in some major need of maintenance. Even with both Konnit and me out, Fireteam Alpha still had work to be done.
With the enemy regrouping for another counteroffensive, Vin and Catyusha knew something big needed to happen.The military couldn't keep going like this in the war. Vin and Cat decided it was time for a more surgical maneuver and went after the enemy's admirals directly. Several enemy settlements were raided before they found the intel they needed on the admirals. They now knew where they needed to go, landed out of the base's sensor range, and went in quietly. 6 admirals were all tucked away in a secure war room as they planned out the counter offensive. Vin handled the guards one by one while Cat secured credentials to reach the targets, both careful to have no witnesses and not set off an alarm. The targets thought nothing about how quiet things were getting as they focused on their tactics until the lights went out. Trapped in the war room with no help left outside to call for, they braced themselves. Cat arrived to the room first and sliced the door controls, the admirals couldn't even see her once the doors opened, just the final flash of an explosive detonating between them.
Once the targets were confirmed, Vin and Cat scoured the base for any more intel or resources that might be useful and headed back to base to relay the news. There was nobody in charge of the enemy command anymore, there would be no more counter offenses, the war was over. We could all rest for a while.
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︎3 Shiny!
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