Logbook entry

Another fight for the Federation

07 May 2021KazumaGShep
Today, we joined the fight against the Empire in the Paresa System. After getting the crew together aboard the Fleet Carrier we made way to a neighboring system and jumped into system. The system was in disarray as the fighting had already started breaking out. The freelancers and I landed on the Federation carrier Harmony's Shield and got apprised of the situation. The Federation said they were willing to pay us in combat bonds for each Imperial ship we shot down.

Agreeing to the terms we formalized the contract and immediately set off to work. We decided to go into zones of the system that had the highest amount of activity. Upon arriving and letting the allies know that reinforcements had arrived an Imperial Capitol ship warped in. Wasting no time we set off to work getting rid of it's heat relays to force it out of combat. The battle was hard fought as we had the Imperials trying everything in their power to stop us but thanks to our allies we were able to force it to retreat while getting a hefty bounty on it.

Once combat had ended our ships were a little dinged up and we needed ammo so we docked at the nearby Dyson City station so we could re-arm, repair and refuel ourselves.

Then while I was flying around I ended up getting interdicted by the Imperials which for me is an act of aggression against me so I blew the Eagle clear out of space and well now I have a bounty I'm working on paying off.

Soon that'll be cleared but till then we're going to continue to fight till we bring this supporter of the NMLA to justice.

Till next time this is CMDR KazumaGShep signing off.
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