Logbook entry

Another day, another battle, Another love?

08 May 2021KazumaGShep
We had just gotten back to our Fleet Carrier after another long day of fighting against Nova Imperium. My Chieftain was in rather rough shape after the last battle since there was another Majestic Class Interdictor fleeted in the battle and I had taken too many rail cannon shots.

I was tired sore and in need of a shower. Walking out of the flight lounge my eyes meet with Surt's. His red eyes were shining more beautifully to me for some reason today and I wasn't sure why.

"Boy we really gave it to them today didn't we."

I smiled and nodded. "Yeah we sure did. Hard to believe they fielded another Capitol class ship against us after last time"

We laughed as we walked all the way to the mess hall. After collecting our meals I took him back to my room where I normally eat alone and look over the bills and fleet carrier operation reports.

We sat at the small table I had set up in a corner of room. As we ate we told each other stories of our childhoods, how we be came commanders, our first ships, really anything we could think of.

After a few hours there was a ring at the door. "Who is it?" I ask wondering who could at the door this time of night.

"It's Nariah Pacheco, your deck officer Commander." comes the reply. "You may enter."

Nariah had an interesting taste in fashion though I really had no room to talk.

"Commander, I just wanted to let you know per your request is that there are now enough funds in the carrier bank to keep us going for well over a month." hearing that made my tail wag and I could tell she took notice. Surprisingly she didn't seem to care she was employed to a furry, she was the kind of person that only cared about getting paid and that was it. "I would suggest continuing to build up the bank as much as possible but we have room to breath for now, and that's all I have to report." she finished off.

I nodded softly "Very well you are dismissed." she then turned and exited the room. I then returned my gaze to Surt and smiled, "I'm sorry for the interruption."

He didn't seem to mind though which made me happy. "Surt, I largely called you here to see if you'd be my mate. Space is vast and I've spent much of my life in it alone. I'd be honored if you'd share this life with me. You don't need to answer straight away, just let me know when you are ready."

He said he'd let me know in time if he'd accept then left, I was tired so I stripped out of my clothes and climbed into bed for some much needed rest.

End of log.....
Signing off..........
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