Logbook entry

Unfortunate flight

09 May 2021KazumaGShep
I can't believe they got away with that! So much money lost all because I sided with the Federation. After a long and grueling fight in a high intensity conflict zone, my poor Chieftain was battered and bruised. My wing and I flew back to The Useless Boy (in this case the name really freaking fit.) I was attacked by system security unprovoked just because the damned faction is hostile with me. It's not my damned fault they are harboring a potential terrorist leader. If they just complied with the commands and gave us Duval this could have been avoided.

When I arrived at the carrier, my hull was already down to about half, as I was getting into range of the carrier to land, for repairs, fuel and armaments. The system security fighters opened fire on me, I understand that Nova Imperium consider me hostile, but it's not like I'm doing this out of spite. I mean I owe absolutely no allgence to the Feds what so ever. It just seemed an easy way for me to further rank up with them, and they are dead set that Duval is a terrorist mastermind who am I to argue?

I'm just an independent pilot at the end of the day, fighting in a war, that realisticly doesn't matter in the long run. Maybe I should just grab my squadron and go back home, or just stick around and enjoy the fun. Regardless what's done is done and now I need to recoup the losses. Heh not like that'll be hard.

Till next time, KazumaGShep out.
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