Logbook entry

A return flight home

10 May 2021KazumaGShep
3 days, 3 days we spent out there fighting that damned war with the Federation. It was a pointless proxy war and we had spent too many resources to make it worth our while, so we broke off the contract with the Federation and went back to the tavern. After landing I went up to the bridge and informed our captain of the departure.

Everyone was scrambling to get ready for the jump, 16 minutes just to get the carrier ready for the jump. It lasted what seemed like forever after the ships were secure and the landing pads were locked down I went to my personal quarters and starting working on the paperwork and adding this jump to the upkeep costs. The ride was smooth sailing and we arrived home in no time at all. It was nice to be home again and away from that mess of a war.

Now it's time for us to get back to business and start killing some Pirates in the Resource sites.

I wonder if Surt has decided on his answer to my question. Oh well time will tell.

End of Log.......
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