Logbook entry

Busy busy busy

16 May 2021KazumaGShep
It's been nearly a week since I set out in my Chieftain Alpha Shep. Been flying around the galaxy trading at various star ports taking on random missions here and there chasing after Pirates and brining them to justice. Though I'm starting to get lonely I miss my mate Surt and I hope he's doing well.

I've been out here gathering materials to finish the upgrades on my ship but it's been so slow going, even with material traders aplenty it's been hard. Up trading, down trading level 5 materials. I'm going nuts, I need to feel Surt in my arms again, I think I may take a break for a bit and return to the tavern and just spend some time with him to help ease me. My ship is doing fine for the most part so I don't think I need to worry a lot about it in combat as long as I work with my wing mates I should be okay.

Give me just a little more time hun I'm on my way home, and when I get home I'll make you one of the best dinners you've ever had, and maybe some of the finest wine this side of the galaxy. Yeah, I think that'll do just nicely. I better look back into my mom's old recipes.

User: Kazuma Mishamura
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