Logbook entry

So much to do.

21 May 2021KazumaGShep
It's been a busy time for us in the Sheppy Den Freelancers.

We started off taking a job with Avalonic Floofatics to push the Empire out of Avalon. I told Surt about this and he was not thrilled. I knew his history of the place. He didn't argue with me, but I went ahead and made the carrier jump while he was off on another job and told him to meet up with us when he could. I withheld him from the roster when I handed it in to the Labour of Avalon and I made sure that his docking pad could not be scanned and had his ships IDs redone so they wouldn't be identified.

After some intense fighting and sabotage we managed to give them a little push. After the job was completed I brought us all back home, and I took Surt back to our quarters and just held him close to me assuring him everything would be okay, and that I took every precaution to keep him safe. We then settled into bed for some much needed rest.

A few days later while I was in port at Haxel Port and traveling around the Concourse I noticed some new areas open. Like Pioneer Supplies, that were offering new suits and on foot weapons. I decided pick up everything they had on offer and had it loaded up on my Chieftain. I then went to the nearby terminals and started looking around for missions. I saw some settlements needing repairs and repowered so I assisted with that.

Some of these missions took a few hours, another took me a whole day. After finishing the missions and turning them in, I returned to the tavern where my mate was waiting for me with open arms. I took a nice shower and we got some dinner before setting into bed and blissfully falling asleep together.

This... This is what I've always needed in my life.
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︎1 Shiny!
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