Logbook entry

A long Journey

08 Sep 2021KazumaGShep
I'm finally home from my long journey.

So a few weeks ago I decided to pick a direction and just got exploring, I opened my Galaxy map and decided to go out to the Soul Nebula.

It was such a long flight out to the Elysian Shore. Each system I stopped in I scanned and made sure to get some Detailed surface scans, it was a repetitive task but it was at the same time relaxing compared to my usual business.

As I got close to the nebula I made sure to stop off at Base Camp to repair my ship and sell off the data I had on my way out, especially considering I had a bit of a rough landing while working on getting biological scans.

The sights were so amazing to see and seeing a nebula in person for the first time was awe-inspiring. I'm glad I took the trip out but boy am I glad to be home from such a tiring trip. It's going to be a long time before I take another trip like that again, and most likely after I engineer my Diamond back a little bit more...

Till next time.... This is CMDR KazumaGShep signing out.
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