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A Break From It All: Eulail Nebula Expedition 3308

28 Dec 2022HalseySpartan2

Hello CMDRs, it's Hal again. Things have gotten pretty spicy here in the Bubble lately. Thargoids attacking, these Maelstroms sending out fleets to destroy stations and occupy human systems..it's a lot. And quite frankly, I don't want to deal with it. I did my part. I evacuated over 2200 refugees from Obamungo to help the Anti-Xeno Initiative. But this isn't what I was cut out for. I'm meant for exploring the deep black, and as far as the Bubble's concerns go, they matter little to me. I'm completely self-sufficient out here, and humanity's mostly a bunch of jackasses anyway. I got interdicted and attacked numerous times bringing refugees back to Rescue Ship Bertschinger! Another CMDR! With thanks like that, they clearly don't need my help there. So back out into the black I go.

Where to this time? I found a cool nebula I'm going to go poke around in out Colonia way. From there, I'll head to the top of the galactic plane, maybe before heading out to Beagle Point. I always did want to make it out that way.

I retrofitted the Destination Unknown with a fighter bay equipped with 16 fighters for the journey - the occasional canyon run keeps you from going space mad

Anyway, time to hit the spaceways.


CMDR HalseySpartan2

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