Logbook entry

Eulail Nebula Expedition: New Life Discovered

28 Dec 2022HalseySpartan2
Greetings CMDRs,

This is CMDR HalseySpartan2, piloting the Farwalker Exploration Ship (FES) Destination Unknown.

System: Bleae Thua PO-N B21-2
Planet: A 6
Stardate: 12/27/3308

I have arrived in orbit around the sixth planet in this system as part of the Eulail Nebula Expedition of 3308. Sensors have detected exobiological life on this planet, and the FES Destination Unknown is going down to the surface to investigate. For Farwalker records, here is the planet in question:

You can see the planet teeming with the exo-life. Sensors indicate it is a Statum genus. Let's go take a look, shall we?

Finally landed, and should be within easy reaching distance of the first Stratum sample. The SRV is prepped and ready to go.

After some time spent on the surface, I was unable to locate the alleged exo-life. The expedition cannot afford to spend more time on this endeavour, and on we must go
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