Logbook entry

Josia experiment

15 Jan 2019Thopor
NSXU science station in Acurus
Star date 01/14 3405

CMDR Josia are you ready to begin the process, the Doc asked over the radio. Josia, who is strapped into a technologically advanced Cmdrs chair abroad a sidewinder. Tubes
From and wire connect to the implants he has in various locations on his body. One on the back of his head, one in each upper arm and lower arms. One on the bottom of both palms. He looked like something you would see in a sci fi movie.
Josia acknowledges the doc. Nervous about the decisions he has made in the past few months volunteering for this program. He wasn’t the first attempt as integrating the human mind with the interface of a ship, he was however the best match the doctors have found.
The Doctor reassured him in a calming voice. And started the count down. The ship was powered down. Running a minimal life-support. When the countdown reached 5 seconds the doctor told Josia to press the integration interface bottom on his right. Josia hesitated only a second before pressing it. Upon activation fluid in the tubes flowed as power surged through them. Josia entire body teases his mind goes blank as the interface takes hold. He feelings come back as he hears the doc talking to him. At first it’s like the doc is in a tunnel far away. Josia uses the computer to acknowledge the doctor with his mind.
Sitting aboard the station the head the acknowledgment come there the radio not as Josia voice but as the ships computer. Continually monitoring his vital signs, the doctors are astonished at how well the process is going. The first few moments Josia took time to acclimate them self to the new ships body an extension of his own. Feeling a slight chill with just a thought he increased the climate controls to a more comfortable level.

Over the next 5 hours the Doctors and scientist had him doing the most mundane things, turning on lights. Turning off lights. Opening cargo hatches. You name it they had him do it. In bare minimum power settings. Patting each other on the back as he performed each task. Slowly turning on more and more functions.

The command came to activate the shields. And with a though Josia routed power to the shields. The engines roads with power as Josia felt the power surge threw the shields and resonate threw his body. The overwhelming power made him feel invincible. The sidewinder hummed as the engine settled into the new power mode.
Next he was instructed to activate the navigation company and access the codex. The amount of information that cmame in almost overwhelmed him. The vast amount of information stored in the computer base made his tense. His heart heart spiked and vital where peeking. The doctors where concerned and about to terminate the link manually. Josia using the computer voice protested... I got this.
What seemed like hours as Josia mind worked through the computer files his mind and body relaxed. Opening his thoughts to all the information he now had access to.
The actual time was only a few seconds. With the ships sensors now activated Josia could feel the presence on the corvettes around his sidewinder. There weapons deployed and targeted him. As instructed by the scientists. Fear again started to overwhelm his thoughts and instincts took over. Being an elite combat pilot the ships starting flying in evasive Manoeuvres. The coms lite up with pleads to stand down. As the adrenaline rush to his body and the ship Josia activated the frame shift drives an action the normally took minutes for the computer to plot a route was done in an instant as Josia thoughts took control.
The Scientist ordered all three corvettes  to destroy the sidewinder and stop it from jumping. The vettes weapons surged with power and fired! When the flash of weapons Dispersed they hit nothing but empty space... Josia and the sidewinder has jump.
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