Ex A Log, Entry 06: The Core Road
20 Feb 2017Lothal Vanderheim
Welp, it was nice here in the Colonia Sector, but time to continue my journey. My cute little Adder was stashed in Jacques' Station and I changed back in my fully overhauled Imperial Cutter.Now I'm launching back to stage 2: The road to the galactic core. Sagittarius Alpha is waiting. Luckily there are plenty of neutron stars to help speed me up, but on the other hand getting boosted this way also upgrades the risk I face.
I think on my way to the core I'll use the chance to collect materials for FSD-boosting. The third stage after the core will be the longest and lead me to the edge of the other side of the galaxy. To get close to the edge, I'm guessing at least some boosted jumps will be necessary.
Hopefully nothing will go wrong.