Logbook entry

3308-12-27 - 2 years as a member of Lavigny's Legion

27 Dec 2022Harfang
Today on December 27Th, 3308, it's my personal anniversary in the Legion. I feel proud of it, I am proud to be a Legionnaire and serve the Empire with the best comrades. I am in the game from the start, from December 16Th 3300. Since the early days of the game, I have been serving the Empire. I knew the Legion 7 years ago when I was a member of The White Templars, another squadron serving the Emperor. We shared the same TeamSpeak 3 server. The Legion was already famous for her great organization and her commitment to serve Princess Arissa Lavigny-Duval under the rule of Emperor Hengist. Before I joined the Legion, over those 8 years in the game, I served also in some Spanish speaking Imperial squadrons.

With the experience of an old jock that have seen a bunch of ship rumble rains under the void, I can tell Lavigny's Legion is the best squadron I have been in. The genuine and unshaken loyalty to the Emperor, the great organization and proficiency of every of our departments (BGS, power play, AX fleet, pvp, etc.), the great comradeship amongst the members, make the Legion the greatest organization in the Elite Dangerous Live galaxy.

Furthermore, there is one feature that makes us the Greatest organization of the Galaxy: =LL= has no official leader. We are a genuine patronage faction. The Legion is ruled by the Praetor Council, elected by their peers, in collegiality. They also take in account the other institutions of leadership, the Centurion Forum and the Optio Castrum, in important matters to the Legion.

For all those reasons, I consider Lavigny's Legion as the greatest squadron of the Empire and of the entire Galaxy. I hope one day I will retire as an old jock bearing the =LL= insignia on my black, white and purple duty space suit.

Harfang o7

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