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Reminisce - Update 2

23 Jan 2018Mearmortal
As I reminisce over the years, I recall the efforts I put into mining. Over time I had found that in order to make a reasonable amount of profit, there were a number of materials that provided the best rewards. Although not few, there were plenty that should be avoided to make the most gain.

    The best materials: Low Temperature Diamonds, Bromellite, Lithium Hydroxide, Methanol Monohydrate Crystals, Platinum, Palladium, Painite, Gold, Osmium, Praseodymium, Samarium and Silver. Anything else just wasn’t worth it.

    The issues with mining are simple, try and stay alive, and mine as much as you can as quick as you can. Many a time I’ve seen other commanders die as a result of mining in a popular area, myself, I opted to mine in a remote system, where no ships were present in the system. Drop onto the inner most rings and boost until there were no ships detected for a few minutes. At which point I’d pick one of those big rocks and probe away. After a couple of hours, I’d be done with as much as I could carry in my Type 6. Heading off to the nearest system to sell the much earned materials.

    I found that using two collectors, single prospector and an 8 bay refinery was a really good start. It allowed for several collection options at the same time. I also found that the refinery could be used as extra storage, another eight tonnes just not refined. I also found that you could manage your limpet use age and the dis-guarding of limpets by maxing out the refinery where possible first.

    Now that I have a greater understanding of mining, the time/profit ratio is not very high, it’s a nice experience, it’s one of those aspects of being out in the frontier that I’ve tried and enjoyed, but am I am unlikely to explore it again for my own personal gain.
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