Logbook entry

Reminisce – Update 4

25 Jan 2018Mearmortal
Back when we initially heard about relic’s and artefacts I was out there doing my part on collaboration projects for various systems. When I satisfied those contracts, I went out to find some of these unknown areas of interest. I discovered a couple of them thanks to those videos commanders had made and I had watched while docked at a station. These videos were distributed across the know galaxy very quickly so everyone could see the locations.

On one such occasion I was satisfying a requirement for as many Alien Artefacts as possible, and I’d found a stash on one such world. It was strange, in one instance I would find myself with other commanders trying to find such materials, and as if by magic, I found myself alone in the darkness of the same world surrounded by all these materials. I decided that I’d handed over my fair share of the materials and opted to help other such commanders fulfil their own quota. So I decided that if the next occurrence of this phenomena were to occur, I would make the best use of it.

Sure enough it happened again, I went around the location and grabbed all the alien artefacts I could carry. Leaving the confines of my ship to explore the landscape in my surface vehicle. Once I had all that I could obtain, I waited for the weird event to re-occurr, and eventually found myself back with the other pilots. I wasted no time in jettisoning these materials around the ships that were poised for them to appear. Those commanders were extremely grateful for the donations, and left to obtain their rewards.

I managed to complete a couple of these trips before it all stopped, and helped out a number of commanders.
I hope that if this were to happen again, I would be there to provide the necessary assistance again; there is something to be said about helping fellow commanders. o7
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