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Reminisce – Update 5

26 Jan 2018Mearmortal
There is always some form of satisfaction when completing something you’ve spent allot of time on, Galactic endeavours are no exception. From time to time you’ll hear about stations and systems trying to do something good or trying to build a new star port somewhere. They post these requests for goods on the Galnet, the galaxy bulletin board of the future, a little like the 21st century Facebook pages that have long since been forgotten.

The object is you transport whatever they need, and as much of it as possible for about 7 days, once they have received there requested amount, which is normally considerable by the way, they reward you with a percentage of earnings based on how many you managed to deliver. This is one way to achieve a good reward but it does take allot of effort. You spend several days just running back and forth with the same goods, hoping to get into the top 10% of all pilots. There are risks, as in recent years some commanders take great steps to stop you delivering the goods, they aim to take the goods off you and make easy profit for themselves.

The powers behind the requests have acknowledged this, and at the same time the request for goods go up, they post requests for pilots to support the delivery of those goods. So what you have now is the pirates, the deliverer’s and the protectors all in the same system. Talk about mayhem.

I’ve completed quite a few of these now, delivering the goods, I’ll be in a position soon to take on the role of the protector. This could be quite interesting now since I’ve got the money, the ship, and the load out.
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︎2 Shiny!
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