Logbook entry


24 Feb 2019Mearmortal
Well I arrived last night after some 126 jumps and 7,686 approximate lys.
This was by far the hardest what with 4 night shifts and little to no time to travel. The last two nights have been some really long hauls, one of which was the best part of 14 hours.

Now this one was different, I was met at the waypont by a fellow CMDR who was kind enough to drop out of the PG he was in and join me in mine. We winged up as I was on approach to the landing site in orbit. I arrived and landed near to the CMDR and joined him in the SRV to roam the planet surface. It was a great experience to be able to meet up like this at a way point and see someone else for the first time.

I look forward to more meet up's like this. Absolutely Brilliant....
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