Logbook entry

DW2 WP6-WP10

03 Apr 2019Mearmortal
Well it's been one hell of a trip, struggling some weeks to arrive at the designated WP in time, almost arriving hours before the next one is announced.

I've seen alot of interesting views, and some interesting  biologicals etc.

Mined for the CG over the week, enjoying some with another pilot gathering materials, got into the upper 25% in the end though, gained myself another 30mil just for that.

Over the last couple of weeks since leaving EA, I've collected some 104mil of exploration data, working as I go to collect information on the interesting systems.

I don't have any mining capability now, but that's fine, I don't need it. I've maxed out all my materials apart from about 5, and only one of those I actually need. So as I move from one system to another this week, I'll be lookng for those pescy ones.

I plan on keep going allthough the stretches will be significantly longer now, on checking, in excess of 12,000lys.

We'll it's going to be interesting keeping motivated to continue, and keeping on track for such long distances, but hey, I will get those badges in the end. I will be able to say, I've been there....

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︎2 Shiny!
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